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A member registered Aug 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really like the character design

It took some time getting used to, and it played well once you get the hang of it. I think it would have been great if the ingredients were less random so we would be able to plan our moves a bit better.

Still though, great job!

I love how self aware the  game is. Despite everything being sketches, they fit really well as a piece altogether. Good work!

Was not expecting a rhythm game in this jam!! Pretty cool :D

It plays really well, and the timing required when switching was tight. Great work!

Yo, this game is legit hard. The  sheer size of the world though is crazy for a  3 day jam. Super impressive!!

Love the retro feel to the game! It's also rather well polished and the art style is cohesive. Also... surprisingly competitive especially when you find out you can jump on the other person

Oh dannng, Didn't know that. Thanks!!

The art  2.5D art style is great, and really stands out in this jam!! Definitely would've like to see what else you had in store. There were times where it was unclear how to proceed like the jumping puzzle towards the end. However still got through it, and enjoyed the game thoroughly!!

I like the minimalist look and the game is very cohesive. The 3rd level was challenging, and I found myself getting hit on purpose to restart the level because we would otherwise be locked in the level.

Overall, it's a solid entry for a 3-day game jam and definitely impressive especially for a solo developer. Great job!

Super simple concept but great execution! Love it