Enjoyable experience! The art direction was lovely, and the character design was cute; matched the vibe, but didn't overdo it. The color scheme was on-point, and I did like the inclusion of the one orange little critter.
The gameplay, while simple, felt good. Aside from a couple things here and there regarding inconsistent walking vs running & jumping, the movement / camera felt smooth and never frustrating. The water spray mechanic was intuitive and worked without issue.
I unfortunately had to look up a video for the end cutscene, as the middle section wouldn't proc for me despite scouring and spraying everything multiple times (and I didn't have time to replay the whole thing). I'm sure this is something that's already being taken into account for the full project, however, so I'll just throw in my +1 for that issue.
In all, it was a game that was nice to look at and felt good to move around in. A lot of small projects have good art, but clunky, awkward movement that gets frustrating after a while-- but this is not one of them. It was a pleasure to play. Thank you for sharing this little demo, and I look forward to any projects that your team makes in the future!