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A member registered Jul 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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if that's true then that's really sad

offer your soul to satan


its great

anytime my friend, and i hope this game keeps getting better along your future games if you are going to make any

and thank YOU for making this game and good luck

the game was honestly great!

am about to play part 2 and hopefully will enjoy it as much or even more than this :)

thank you

the game looks better now too good job on the coloring

(1 edit)

i mean maybe a checkpoint every 3-5 levels

edit: if its like every level then it will take away the difficulty 

anytime, stay blessed

thank you

please make it playable on windows lmao

pretty great game my friend

its a job well done

i have a suggestion and it is to add something like checkpoints but hey even if they dont get added the game is still fun

okay finna try it out thanks man

can you please tell me what i should change? thank you!


(2 edits)

how do i change my save file to the new update? i have from the last update

edit: i found out where the saves are but they are from 0.15 so i moved them into the 0.17 saves folder but that just made me get that message about it possibly breaking the game, it just kept making every text go in a loop, so any way i can fix it?

i dont want to start over so i would really love it if i dont have to go through all that pain again

any complete CG walktrough?

i will follow :)

i played it and it was good, cant wait for the new content
keep it up :)

(1 edit)

ok let me try that out real quick

edit: yeah it worked thank you so much dude

how do i get the shroom from the witch

(2 edits)

i cant get past the "trial and error" mission

edit: basically when i want to combine the stuff together i just cant (i click on 1 single item then i cant click on another one) and then i get stuck and cant get out of the lab