Hi there!
Unfortunatly we don't have a mac client for our prototype currently!
So that will indeed not work!
Best regards,
Hey there, so sorry we only got back to you now! With the kickstarter prep we lost track of this! One thing we've seen with people commenting it's a pdf file is that you need a decompression tool to open up the zipfile.
We like going with https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0 for this, free tool to use and download. It unpacks all the data automatically.
Let us know if that helped!
Hi there! That's annoying, however might we ask first if you have WinRAR installed? It's a way to unpack large amounts of data.
You'll need this to get access to the program!
Here's a link to it: https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0
Do let us know, if opening the file with this worked for you!
Normally, the file should run out of the box as the .exe is just the application pre loaded currently! After our crowdfunding that starts on may 1st, we do want to support other OS, like IOS and Linux! So far we have received a ton of questions for IOS, this is the first for Linux, which surprised me.
We do plan a survey after our Kickstarter to figure out what platforms our backers and Audience is using! Should help us figure it out more clearly and put it on an exact spot on the roadmap!
Hi Dcneos!
If you mean like a short cut in the thread of eg: overworldmap => City map => District Map => Tavern Map => Underground Dungeon Map to skip to any of the places in that thread a ton faster, not currently. But it is an important addition to the release in the future!
If you are talking about just generally making such a thread, the tool allows you to put markers down and upload a new map in there. You can chain multiple maps that way. We are currently editing a tutorial that explains how to do it but it is absolutely possible.
Let me know if this answers your question, if not let us know!
Best Regards,
Hi elshaeversharp, this is correct! We were running out of time for the prototype and decided we'd just launch it that way! In our final product we'll add a calendar that allows you to keep track of important events as well as rename all of the months and days! We're internally experimenting with ideas around expanding this even further! Do let us know what ideas you have! The clock is also not exactly working the exact way we want today! So do keep in mind that our current product is just a prototype to give testers an idea of what we're trying to build instead of a finished product!
Greetings, Architects!
We are working on a tutorial of all the features, those will be added to the list as needed! Link below:
Building Your Realm | Part 1:
Preparing your Combat Encounter | Part 2:
Player Character Creation & Combat | Part 3:
The pinned tweet on our profile gives you a summary on how to download and launch our Alpha with added gifs. We'll include a text-only post Below!
Hi there,
This is intentional! Imagine you are sharing your screen over discord, you don't want your players to see the same screen as you do.
Monitor 1 as defined by your pc is what we call your DM screen it is basically your virtual DM screen where you have access to all the information you'd normally have at the tabletop. Monitor 2 as defined by the settings of you pc is what you show your players.
This way, you never accidentally show too much.
However currently we are in our Pre Alpha phase of the project so there's no setting that turns it off on startup! It is done automatically.
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
RA team
Happy to have you all here to test out the Realm Architect Prototype.
Feel free to use this thread to discuss features you're missing!
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The Realm Architect team
Happy to have you all here to test out the Realm Architect Prototype.
Feel free to use this forum to discuss things you encounter, during your exploration tour!
Alternatively, feel free to submit a feedback ticket on our Discord Server!
The Realm Architect team