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A member registered Dec 20, 2019

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the problem with games like these with money is that you often will just eventually have so much of it that there is no issue with anything you possibly want to do, like when I played Futa dom world money was very easy to min max and I had easily a couple thousand in roughly a ingame week which made raising stats super easy. But you also can't make currency to hard to get so unfortunatly unless theres another use for the money it might as well not be a feature. The problem with money in games is finding a balance between being far to important where you might as well be playing a tycoon game or just completely useless. Which is where a tax system comes into play, it could perhaps be a percentage as to encourage players to keep earning money while never having to much of it to make it useless, thus forcing you to balance the tax and your rent money with other things.  which honestly could easily be fixed by having the easiest difficultly not have tax, normal a small tax, and hard perhaps having a moderately high tax?

Also I see, I guess it makes sense to have a succubus power system since the MC is now a semen demon who is powered by semen lol.

on the page you listed kinks, I was asking if it was the route you listed or what they are. cuz like in the dom route they're a sub and in the sub route they're a dom. But that answer answered my question. Since it wasn't specified I just wanted clarifaction.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

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I'm so glad that you aren't a person to completely drop a game because you don't agree with some words it uses. However I do disagree with you, I think it makes perfect sense for these characters Rea and MC to talk like that when you realize that Rea has been scanning internet message boards so much that she became a complete degen and the MC was actively using those message boards.  If anything it's truly a surprise they don't go harsher with the crudeness of Rea's and MC's interactions.

Also Laura is far from intelliegent but agree to disagree on that one I guess. Laura is just one giant nut case but in the best possible way. I hope you play when the new stuff releases.

Dude, this game has like hundreds of jokes and refences to general popculture. half the game is humor bro.

Wanna post a link since they're like 10 games under the same title?

when you list dom and sub, are those listed as if thats the route or thats what they are? I thought like that was what they where untill I saw Lindas where in sub it said Goddess and in the dom it said master. If so kinda sad we won't see shrimp get a bit sadistic /humiliate someone for the years they've been picked on/bullied.  Althrough makes sense cuz Addison is so meek

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I'm not hating tho? The dialog is just cringe which is about right for twitch streams. How is a 8/10 hate? That's GOOD, unless you're one of those people who view anything under 7 as bad in which case you're using the scoring system wrong. How about you get lost, you don't seem to be able to discern what's a obvious joke from someone not joking. Anyone with a mouse wheel could scroll once and see dozens of warnings about the ending. Anyways stay safe, have a nice day, and maybe see you again? Have a nice one.

This is the most cringe game I've played simply due to the dialog, which is why this is probably the most accurate streamer experience.8/10, every ending is big chungas wholesome 100.poggers or some other cringe twitch slang.kek

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Sorry for the late response, it's good to hear that you'll tell all the stories you want in your best case scenario and so I hope it is that,. It's very interesting to see you already have 23 characters and still more to come, I just hope you don't burn yourself out from so many characters as I know writing so much dialog is both time consuming and takes awhile to even come up with it.

As for the gameplay narrative with debt I'm not entirely sure exactly, perhaps could be tied to a character? Maybe the novelist? With her distain for men it wouldn't be a suprise to see her charge to the male for her services. Perhaps as your situation gets more dire with the curse you eventually have to even pay to eat and thus survive? If you don't have enough money you're forced to pay a IOU before the ingame week or else it'll result in pubic reputation being ruined or them not even taking to you unless it's paid? Perhaps could be a feature added in the hardest difficulty?

I'm glad I gave you a idea for the land lady, I enjoy helping out any way I can in game development despite not being able to code or do art I can atleast toss a couple ideas here and there or even just help test builds or when I have the money toss a small bone, I won't spend money I don't have because I know it'll ruin me eventually. Anyways have a wonderful night or day depending on your timezone and stay safe and I wish for you and your other projects to succed.

EDIT: when I wrote this "Perhaps as your situation gets more dire with the curse you eventually have to even pay to eat and thus survive? If you don't have enough money you're forced to pay a IOU before the ingame week or else it'll result in pubic reputation being ruined or them not even taking to you unless it's paid?" I meant general futas and not just the novelist. And to have this mechcanic make sense perhaps you use a character so much they start to not enjoy you anymore to the point they'd rather just find another hole, but will do it if you pay them/ will promise to pay them.

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                             Rating 8/10
PRO's: Good sense of humor, MC male model isn't terrible to look at and in fact looks actually really good, the animations are good but brief, seems to have a really cool (but funny concept) for the story as 5 sisters fight a proxy war for a plant and rebel against the devil who tricked you, good models for the MOST part, uses a different soundtrack than the other porn games do so I don't have to turn off the background music due to it.

CON's: while the MC's model is pretty solid the other male characters models look bad but they're side characters so whatever, I feel there isn't enough choices but the game is in it's early stages so again whatever, is another "chosen one" story, Belle is mean to me and it hurts my feelings, thank you Fudge for letting me fuck your wrist as any normal well adjusted person would do to a person they just met in prison, sorry it only lasted a 30 seconds, sorry you also had post nut clarity so big that you started to glow and turn into a magma slime, and thanks for not asking about any modern tech that you saw with five years of my memory

Hi, I finished the prototype and think it's good so far, the pixel art aesthetic is always a fav of mine personally. May I ask what the plans for the game are? How long do you expect for this game to stay in development? (I don't mind waiting just curious.) Will each doll have it's own ending or is it only a challenge slider and many endings are planned? Will you make a normal male/female interest aswell?

As for my half baked ideas I think implementing a debt system would be interesting since the plot is around going from filthy rich to becoming poor, perhaps even a ending where if you gain certain amount of money that's neigh impossible to reach there could be a secret ending giving Rue a proper chance of life with all that money in exchange to remove the curse? (As I said a almost impossible amount of money to reach, maybe with other side objectives that need to be completed and some relationship checks to see if you formed any strong bond with a futa enough to maybe regret your past?) Also depending on how much money you have your land lady treats you better/worse? 

Sorry for the wall of text, I wish your game a success and if I have some spare money in the future I'll probably subcribe to the patron to support the game.

Thanks for answering my questions, it may take awhile but I can't wait till the game is finished since it seems promising. I wish you and your team luck with the project. Althrough this art style isn't my prefence I do find it very charming in this game

So far the game is shaping up to be pretty good, but it kinda bugs me and this is a minor thing I know, but if another character is in the room when a scene happens and they don't interact at all it's kinda weird. Like the Abbigail scene where they fall and you catch them, weird that Rudy who is right there doesn't interact with the scene at all and wondering if that will be addressed eventually? Like I said it's a small thing it just always weirded me out when games do that.

 Also will there be a scene in the sub route where Abbigail gains enough confidence to go off on people, I feel it'd make sense that the more do dom sessions they do the bigger their ego becomes, could perhaps become a issue in the story if there is one and be a good character arc?  Regardless I'll keep a close eye on this game and if I ever get some spare money I might put some of it into the patron because it'd be a shame to see this game abandoned. 

How many days are planned for this game just out of curiosity?  I don't imagine you intend to work on this game for a absurd amount of times so imagine it'll be 30 days and no more, but if I'm wrong and you do more than that I'd be very happy to be wrong.

Will there be replaceable outfits? Funny things like in the setting screen you can have like "Clussy mode" where everything is the same but they're all just wearing clown outfits? Just little gags like that. I doubt it but it's just something thats always funny to me tho, I died laughing at some scenes in final fantasy 15 because of the stupid DLC outfits they gave out and could wear and would show during cutscenes. 

I don't own this yet but I'll def get it in the future. I loved Lair lair when I first played it, I couldn't get enough of it really. Such a fun VN and it's sad to see that the project has come to a end. Loved the aesthetic to death.

Doe's anyone know where all the content in the demo are? Or is the demo a revamped verison of 2 but missing the entire thing?

Does anyone know where the content from this went? Am I missing a paid verison? Because like I really want to finish this game.