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A member registered Jul 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi, I created a subreddit named r/TechGiants. Would you like to become a moderator?

Hi Tankey, this is a well known problem. It’s on my to do list to fix. Thanks for the feedback.

Hi Chris, I’ve just created a Discord server. You can join it here.

No, the older versions are not available for download, but I might still have screenshots of them. I’ve also created a Discord server, which you can join here (Discord Link). I will share the screenshots on Discord when I find them.

I was wondering how Japanese fits into the mix. I rarely come across a polyglot, so it’s nice to know the backstory.

Players who spend 10 to 20 hours and complete multiple playthroughs could be considered lifelong fans of Tech Giants. As a developer, discovering players like yourself feels somewhat magical.

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I believe most of the game traffic comes from the US, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, and Brazil. Although the analytics information is limited, I’m not sure if these are the countries where long term players come from (Anyone who has played the game for more than 4 hours). If anyone is a long term Tech Giants player, please do leave a comment. I would love to know where you are from.

Sounds great, although I would advise waiting a bit longer before creating mods. I might make some changes that could break mod support and backwards compatibility.

Windows version is almost identical to the Web version, you won't need to test it.

Thank you! You pinpointed exactly where the bug might occur. It’s always the save system, maybe I should stop taking shortcuts when writing code.

Understood, thank you.

I was thinking of allowing players to manage multiple companies at once, similar to having a holding company. Players could also interact with other companies or competitors, making deals or selling their own companies. For now, I’ll keep the scope limited, but hopefully, these ideas will make it into the game in the future.

(1 edit)

Channel G was based on the Fairchild Channel F. I believe this console had a limited number of games, all of which were first party games, meaning they were all developed and published by Fairchild. I removed it because it didn’t make sense to release games for a platform that wasn’t open to third-party publishers or developers. Do you think I should add it back?

I will eventually port it to mobile, starting with Android and Linux. I don’t currently have any iOS devices or Mac computers. Additionally, creating an Apple developer account costs $100 annually, which is discouraging for me. However, if the game sells well or receives enough donations in the future, I will definitely consider porting it to iOS and Mac.

The development progress for the next update has been slow. I was busy with college and my final exams. Hopefully, I will have more time to work on it in June.

As for how much money you’ve made or how many units you’ve sold, I can tell that you’ve cracked the code. However, I believe I should rework the game mechanics a little and make it a tad bit more difficult. What do you think?

You’ve raised some excellent points. I must admit that I had overlooked the idea of incorporating different types of companies, such as publishers, game developers, and semiconductor manufacturers. While these won’t be included in the next version, I hope to introduce them in future updates. Initially, I focused on game development, but eventually, players will have the opportunity to run various types of companies.

I genuinely appreciate any feedback, whether positive or negative. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement and enhances the overall gaming experience. Please feel free to share your experiences, I value them all!

At the moment, the only type of mods supported are language/translation mods. You can drop a few JSON files in this directory: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Tech Giants\Mod, and then enable the mod in-game.

I have been experimenting with mods to allow players to add more content or customize platforms, features, and other aspects. I will write a more detailed devlog when it’s ready and can do more than just handle language and translations.

Your compliments and encouragement mean a lot to me. Players like you inspire me to keep working on this project. I hope that playing the game won’t interfere with your school and studies. Best wishes!

Thank you for the offer. I will notify you when beta testing begins.

First of all, thank you for playing the game! It’s amazing to hear that people are enjoying it. I never expected players to engage in multiple playthroughs, so its mind blowing that you’ve spent more than 20 hours playing. I appreciate your suggestions, and some of them might even make it into the next update.

This could be a bug, but remember, the upgraded office costs 100k per month. You have to make sure you can afford it. If you only have a single employee, you don’t necessarily need to upgrade the office. It’s not going to give you any buffs; it’s just going to have more spaces so you can hire more employees.

Absolutely! The creation of game franchises and sequels is being worked on. Hopefully, it’s going to be available in the upcoming update.

Hi Shark, sorry for the late response. I love your suggestions and will try to implement a few of them in the next update. And yes, I admit the advertising is broken. Hopefully, some of these bugs will be fixed by the next update. Thanks.

I’m glad you enjoyed it. There are 20 options/features, and the last one unlocks in 1992.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention! It’s definitely a bug.

I’ll keep your suggestion in mind for future versions. Stay tuned!

The hardware skill is from an older build of the game. It was an experimental part of the game where it was used to build hardware components such as CPUs and other chips. Unfortunately, that part of the game wasn’t completed and did not make it into version 0.1.x. I guess I forgot to remove it.

You don’t necessarily need these skills when selecting features in the feature area. However, if your team lacks sufficient skills to develop a feature, there will be a development time penalty. So, it’s advisable to have team members with relevant skills by hiring employees who possess them. But keep in mind that it’s not mandatory.

Regarding your other suggestions, they are mostly under development, and it will take some time before they are implemented in the game. I appreciate your patience, and in the meantime, why not follow us to receive updates when newer versions are released?

I would estimate that the logic side of the game comprises approximately 3,000 lines of code, while the supporting user interface (UI) accounts for 5,000 lines of code. However, this doesn’t fully capture the entire picture. The complexity of the code varies across different parts of the game. Leveraging web technologies likely saved me around 10,000 lines, and using Svelte, in particular, shaved off another 5,000 lines. Ultimately, the heavy lifting is handled by web browsers and Svelte.

Hi kingsip0, I have just released a patch. I hope it resolves your issue.

You aren’t doing anything wrong. I believe it’s a bug. Have you selected 3D graphics? If so, that might be the issue. I suggest selecting either text-based or 2D graphics to develop a game.

Thank you for playing! The community here has been incredibly supportive, and I’m grateful. Research is a part of the next big update that I’m working on. As for the launch of the next update, I hope to release it in May.

The game does not use any game engines. It’s purely coded using web technologies and is essentially a website. It uses Svelte + Typescript for the web version, which is later converted to Windows using Tauri. The primary reason for coding it from scratch was that traditional game engines are not ideally suited for games that are predominantly User Interfaces.

Hello ImaginiJM, I just checked: if a game doesn’t generate sales for 4 months, it’s automatically discontinued. However, sometimes the graph appears close to zero sales, and hovering over it reveals the actual value for that month. If the graph consistently shows zero sales for at least 4 months or more, but the game is still sold, it’s likely a bug. I will look into it. Thank you for testing it! 

I don’t want to reveal too much, but I’m currently working on the next major version of the game, which includes a Research Tree with new features and genres. I hope you check it out when that version is released.

- Publishers keep games on the market for approximately three months, even if they aren’t generating any sales.

- When a platform is discontinued, game developers can continue creating games for it. Historically, consoles have received new games even after being discontinued for approximately a year. However, you are correct—it’s unusual to see a console that’s discontinued still being an option for game development. Perhaps in future updates, we might remove them or at least indicate that they have been discontinued.

- Certainly! We will introduce more competition. In each version, I adjust the difficulty to strike a balance—some players find it quite easy to make money, while others find it challenging.