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A member registered Oct 14, 2021

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I will watch you career with great interest

Wait how???

Question will the halowen stuff be available after Halloween or like when the updates come out

ahhh nice info

No because I don't think you can do that and he said he wanted to know the manticore name and when I did that I just need to get milk by her until I past out and doing it over and over again

it's not letting her stab you it's letting her milk you over and over again (I think) 

There is it's in the discord I believe


Keep searching using your robot eventually on the icon where will be a yellow! And that usually how u get to meet her again (and repeat it because that how u eventually get to f her)

uhhh you know ow the save file we copy to update the game I think transfer that save file to your mobile device and than go in the game in ur mobile device save 1 time (remember to save at the town square) 

And than replace your save file with your original save file (sorry if it don't work because this is just me guessing) 

What does the collar do again because I use the hero cape and the same rune as u

There's a character name mothra in this game?

ohh ok thanks developers


When will the next public update come out?

You know there is this thing called easy difficulty

Welp seems cool

Do anyone know how to touch label because she Dodge if u use physical contact move

it's out

Holy layer I believe the name is use that 

It will get an update it's just taking a while u can go check the discord if u want more info

Bro I thought u say this game is shit lol

the last one I don't know go to mystic forest I believe the name was the first area u adventure on and chose the event bag mimic and than give the D and than repeat talk to the bag mimic (u need like 5000 gold) and ask can I bring u home and pick whatever u want to say and pay up and then done u now can "use" Her in ur bedroom in the in

(1 edit)

I found a file that is name save and log do I need to copy the inside of the file save or just copy that vile and move it to the new version (sorry if I don't make sense)

Same but this is I believe the third favorite games of all time for meh

Welp thanks miss or mr

It's the purple bag mimic and if u want to take her with u u need give her the D and meet up with her again and there will be an option to take her with u it cost I believe 5000 gold and u can interact with her in the bedroom in town and u can get 2 perks form her

maybe they don't know how to read great dragon

The dragon is disturbed

wait do you get exp I'd there no combat like with the mantago or kia

When u see her keep giving her cum until u pass out just keep doing that because the mc will get addicted to the venom 

yeah they will never arrive at the truth

Man I forgot about this game and I regret it lol and mecre have a new art love the game dev 

No I don't think so the closest to marriage Is like u getting close to a monster girl like kia kotone the cat girl in dungeon

I'm on the discord but I just look at announcement because to shy to talk

Join the discord u can ask there but I don't so it because it's so much work so I just restart and it's fun playing form the beginning

Any idea or a rough estimate when the new update gonna came out?

(1 edit)

If you have the kotone like curse or whatever than I believe ur fucked because I believe that curse reduce your willpower roll (I maybe wrong) and if you have like to grapple her or magical restraint use that and penetration skill to the butt