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A member registered Apr 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh my god! I'm so thrilled that you recorded this. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Cover art

A truly grand party may involve twenty, fifty, even over a hundred guests. Sadly, it’s hard to evoke an event so large with a limited number of friends and a small space.

Unless you get... creative.

Spirits is a short party game where each player changes their character as easily as changing their drink.

Introduce characters from various stories, explore politics, create comedy, all without changing your costume or sitting through lengthy set up.

Dear God,

I need help. I need guidance. I need a ritual. I have to contact a deity to help. And, just maybe, the deity will answer.

Dear God, is a game about belief, communication, and ritual. It's a fully play-by-mail game for two players

 Got a problem? Why not contact a god about it and see what they tell you to do to fix it!

PWYW, download the packet, do some freaky ritual, support the post!

Play here!

Thank you so much! It's a very personal quote, so I'm glad that you appreciated the addition. Thank you for playing.

How does a child experiencing abuse get help? What if they're not believed? What if the abuse is happening within a toxic family system?

Safey is a short, in-browser game made using Bitsy that explores this topic.

Safety is largely autobiographical, and may contain topics and content triggering to some players - please consider content warnings before playing.

Play here!

At 5:00, the warning comes over the PA.
“The museum will be closing in 30 minutes.”
The gift shop’s grate is half-lowered. The art students finish their sketches. Parents collect their protesting children. Couples finish their coffees at the cafe and offer to walk one another home.
By 6:00, the halls are empty.
By 7:00, everyone in the back has wrapped up their work, rushing home for dinner.
Then it’s just the security guards on rounds with their flashlights, but it’s not a hard job—their cameras pick up any movement at floor-level, and it’s not like anyone can sneak in and go about the museum without touching the floor, is it? This isn’t Mission Impossible.
But they know better. And they’re waiting.
The minutes tick by... the hours...
Somewhere, a clock clicks over to 11:00. But they can’t see it. They don’t go by a clock. All the artworks in the museum know is that for the next two hours, they are awake.

Pictures in an Exhibition is a video-chat LARP / Tabletop game for up to seven players. In the game, you’ll select a type of artwork and costume yourself and your background to portray that work. You’ll spend three session acting out the artwork coming alive for a two hour period each night, spread out over three acts. The game asks big questions about what art really is, what it means to be human, how to value creation... and also if those portraits in the French wing will ever shut up about how fancy they are.

A great game if you like art history, or even just Night At The Museum or the 2020 painting recreation trend!

Check it out here

That was so touching and beautiful! It's a really relatable feeling to anyone who has lived far from home.

Dinner for The Recently Deceased is a small, live-action role playing game for 5-12 players. It lasts 3-6 hours and can range in tone from comedy to horror.

This game is low-structure/rules-light/emergent. It has very few mechanics and relies heavily on acting and imagination. It's perfect for a dinner party game for small gatherings.

It is 100% inspired by the dinner party scene in Beetlejuice, so if you're a fan you should absolutely check it out!

People talk all the time in the internet about hooking up with  monsters - be they werewolves, orcs, dragons, or unknowable eldritch demons.

That's dandy, but what are you going to do when that dragon shows up to your door with flowers and wants to get serious?

This is a short, comedic LARP about taking your monster partner home to meet your family!

If you have strong feelings about the Twilight reboot, had the hots for the monsters in the Disney movies, or have opinions on Bad Dragon products, you're going to love this game.

Check it out here!

A collection of five teeny live action games to be played during social isolation

Hey folks! This is my very first game. My team and I are SUPER proud of it, and hope that our games make some folks smile in this trying time.

The anthology includes these games:

  • Fancy Feast A game about cognitive dissonance, finding things, and annoying friends from far away
  • Dishes with Dad A game about anxiety, communication, and doing the dishes
  • Last Night A game about filling in memory gaps and taking control of your narrative (CW: Alcohol)
  • Halley’s Cumet A game about setting boundries and sex in space (CW: Can deal with NSFW topics)
  • Hear My Cry A game about Valhalla, memory, and resonance in conflict (CW: Death)

100% of proceeds are being donated to a charity which helps artists struggling during the Covid-19 crisis. Please have a look and let us know what you think!