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A member registered Oct 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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The fact that the enemies looks like moths being attracted to a light never crossed my mind, but now I can't unsee it :)

I have been thinking of a way to add an objective to the game and I think adding a "Rescue on their way to help you", as you suggested,  would be perfect.

Thank you!

Using the hook mechanic in a platforming  game sounds awesome, I might just have to make one :)

Thank you for this amazing comment! I'm glad to see that you enjoyed my game. 

Your suggestion of letting the player release mid grapple is an amazing idea that I will make sure to implement if I continue working on this game. When designing the game i thought that switching between having gravity in the ship and not having gravity in space could be a cool idea, so it's really cool that liked that mechanic :)

Lastly I would like to add that "Using them to reel myself into enemies and smash them with my face is possibly the best use of a grappling hook science has discovered so far." is from now on probably going to be this games tagline as it made me laugh when reading it.

This game was a nice relaxing experience, well done! I just wish it had more content, like a progression system to make the player feel like they accomplished something.

I really enjoyed the game, I was really interesting and I loved how it just changed up the gameplay midway through, going from ground combat and talking, to flying a spaceship dodging and shooting lasers.

Thank you! The game was heavily inspired by those scenes when people were floating outside the spaceship in space, so I'm glad I got that across in the game! 

The current build of the game doesn't really have an ending, you're just supposed to survive and gather points. If I continue working on this game I will make sure to add a proper ending or goal and make it clear to the player.

The game ends when your ship is out of health, the health bar can be seen at the top of your screen. When an enemy attacks the spaceship's "core"(blue cylinder to the left from where you spawn) the ship will take damage.  I will look in to a way of making this clear when playing as I realize that this is not obvious to the player.

I definitely agree that the game needs more enemies and varied gameplay, so that it doesn't get boring so quickly.

I am glad that you enjoyed the core concept and gameplay as I am pretty happy with it :)

Thank you!

Thank you for enjoying my game, the feedback is much appreciated. Fixing the tutorial and making the objective easier to understand will definitely be my first priority if I continue working on this game. 

Making a simple enemy model was a great suggestion as I realized, from reading your comment, that it might not be very clear that they are enemies.