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A member registered Sep 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Fun concept, great atmosphere, good job :)

Wow, this is really cool. I've never considered turning a pre-existing image into pixel art before, thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much

The images look great!

(2 edits)

Really vivid imagery, I liked the haunting way that you described the memories. One thing that I found somewhat confusing, when you reach the first choice about whether you swim, is that supposed to be some kind of daydreaming vision? I couldn't tell from context.

Another thing I would suggest from a game design point of view is that if you're trying to simulate the idea that the player is having circular thoughts, looping back to the exact same text can be a tricky form of generating repetition, because human psychology tends to block out multiple instances of the same thing. A better way to show that, I think, is through interweaving a common theme in a way that feels the same over and over, but is technically somewhat different each time. This is a common method for generating nostalgia with game remakes, for instance, and it's often used in musical continuity to remind a player of a mood or place they've already been. Maybe each time you loop back you get a slightly different angle of the same set of memories? (Certain details standing out more, smells, sights, etc.) 

Great descriptions though, good job.

Okay, cool, thanks for letting me know. That clears everything up nicely.

Hey everyone, now that the submissions are available for voting, I'm not sure what the correct way of going about it is. Should we leave a rating on each submission, and then the relative ratings will be scored up at the end? Or do we cast a single vote for our favourite pitch in some other way?

Thank you, I really appreciate that. I'm glad you liked it.

Hey, thanks for sharing this. Looks promising.

This is a story I've really needed to write for a long time. It's a short story with light Interactive Fiction elements about seeing the future, and how doing so changes the way we perceive the world.

Thank you very much :)

I just published my third Interactive Fiction, The Deep. Basically it's about the Lord of your island's wife going missing and everybody thinking that you're behind it. There are eight different endings and I made the soundtrack myself, I'd really appreciate it if anyone is interested and wanted to give me some feedback. You can play it here.

Fun game :) Whole thing makes me want to hang out with some Autumn trees for a while.