Just a heads-up when downloading the game: If you get stuck in the last room, you'll need to restart the game completely (Windows key, then close the window to exit the game). That said, the jump can be made with a little bit of practice (and a bit more size to your character).
Reece Tarrant
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hello everyone!
Thanks for providing very valuable feedback for my game. It has been very useful in not just telling me what I could improve for my game, but it has also given me some good news in the form of telling me what I have done well, which is very encouraging and helpful in it's own respect.
I am going to dedicate this weekend to getting all the feedback together and using it to put together a roadmap of proposed updates to this game. Due to Ludum Dare coming up next weekend, I won't be able to put any of the updates into action in the next few days.
Thanks again for the amazing feedback! :)
- Reece
Thanks for the feedback. I have been getting good feedback for the story and the weapon changes (I have pinged a link to this game to some of my friends). I have had some feedback about the cooldown too, so I will definitely be adding this to the list.
As for the movement not feeling totally well, would you be able to elaborate so that I can add that to the list too? :)
Hey everyone: Bit of bad news with the game: I am currently trying to work on fixing a few issues where the player doesn't move with the ship when piloting it. Meaning that after moving the ship and exiting it, the player is just in mid-air and just, well, falls.
There might be a slight delay. Really sorry guys.
- Reece Tarrant
Hello players, fellow developers and all interested individuals.
This is my project for the My First Game Jam: Summer 2020 game jam. As mentioned in my page, it's a simple First Person space sim.
I hope to have this game completed by July 26th 2020 before they start voting each submission.
This is what I hope to achieve with my game:
- First-Person player perspective outside of flying in space (achieved)
- Spaceship controls and gameplay perfected (Mostly: Just need to implement landing and combat)
- Planetary exploration (will have one moon that can be explored by the player by July 26th. I hope to add more to this afterwards).
- First-Person shooter combat (No promises on completion before July 26th)
- Resource acquisition and usage (Definitely impossible before July 26th: This MAY change, but I cannot promise anything).
If anyone has any further inqueries, feel free to comment on this topic or contact me via Twitter (@ReeceTarrant1).
- Reece Tarrant