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A member registered Mar 08, 2024

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I appreciate that you changed it so new weights are unlocked as you progress. Thats a great improvement.
I will say the early levels feel a little slow.
This is personal and taste is subjective, but for me the real meat ;) is between stages 0 and 1, so I feel like that jump is too exreme

I would expect the game to be more robust for $10

Great game! The MC is so cute! (at least in the early weight stages)
My only complaint is that I thought it was going to be more social deduction focused, and that she gains too much weight too quickly.
Had a blast though!

Seriously good! the wall eating is very clever. I got stuck on the boss battle because there wasnt a pillow and I filled up on accident

Very fun! The first person stuff was a big turn on. I wish we saw more exposed skin if you know what I mean, and perhaps a reward at the end!

Super cute game, adorable characters. I want to see this expanded! ;)

thx for the info

What was the update? I played this years ago

Enjoyed this, I wish there was an optional way to make her get chubby also (when you make dinner there could be options)

Has weight gain been implemented with any of the characters?

(1 edit)

Needs more description of the chracters ass! Male routes especially. Love where this is going so far

Super excited to see how this one turns out. Extremely promising so far, I will be following!

Following so I will get the update

I trained as a professional athlete for 5 years, and I now weigh less than I did at that time. My partners have all been skinny and I have never done anything to attempt to change that.
You have lost the plot my friend

You do not know what you are talking about. Don't pretend to understand the type of people who enjoy this. Very few will allow their desires to leave fantasy, in the same way that bdsm people dont abuse their partners.

Fat fetishism is a type of paraphillia. You know what else is? Attraction to breasts. Many, many times more people go through potentially life-threatening surgery to increase the size of their breasts than people become fat because of a fetish.

Today I found out my favorite futa artist made a game. I hope you finish it one day, or make more games!

It says updated 2 months ago, what all was changed?

The game might need a little tweaking but I love the story and character designs so far, I cant wait to see this as a full game! 

I like the game but she gets too big too quickly, I wish there were lots more in-between sizes and you can unlock larger sizes at later levels

I looked at them before I asked this question and none of them look thick.

yeesh. A little defensive, are we?

It genuinely pains me that the gorilla is from this game, I love him and want him as my pfp on all socials. Aint no way I'm risking it tho

The call with the grandma is absolutely WILD. Wtf

cool 👍

Before I commit my time to it, out of 18 characters are there any that arent just the standard skinny body type?

no demo?

Can anyone confirm if any of the characters have a giant ass?

bro what

Will there be a way for people like me who have gone through all of the currently available stories to skip ahead a bit?

I'm at stage 4 or 5 and I am wondering if there are any sex scenes, or just the BJ scenes

(1 edit)

One of the better wg games I have played, working through it and I can tell theres a lot still to play. Controls are a bit janky and the sensitivity is high. I'm not really into milfs, maybe in the next game there could be a more diverse age range. In all other aspects, great work! I cant wait to see what else you come up with

Cant wait to see where this goes!

I will certainly be purchasing any future projects you put out, they are well worth the money. Looking forward to it!

You're one of the best weightgame devs I have seen, and certainly the most prolific. Keep it up!

Super fun, improves on the original game nicely. Would have liked to see lilith maybe jiggle around a bit, perhaps during the cooking section. Also, maybe a bug, maybe not, the game froze on the end scene and all I saw was shar saying "oh wow good job ladies." Took me straight to endless mode when I restarted.

Its about as deep as it looks, lots of fun though and kinda hot.
serious missed opportunity with her being on a bike to have her leaning forward in the early stages and as she plumps up we get some sexy exposed asscrack, eventually culminating with her belly pushing her up in her seat.

Oh GREAT now I'm creeped out AND horny

This is THE cutest WG game I have ever played. I desperately want an animal crossing-like game based around this. Also, let us change their clothes!

Literally just a combat demo with stock models in an untextured environment

I understand how it works, but you are saying the gameplay is different in chapter 2, and I am saying I wish I knew how it differs in order to determine if I want to spend my money this way