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A member registered Feb 04, 2022

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Same issue. I think it's because the download is a .rar and not an .exe but I don't really know.

(1 edit)

Ever Find any new updates since this one?

Because I did.

(2 edits)

Got an issue... I go to load my save and it simply pulls up an "confirmation message" and no mater what I do nothing else happen. I try and clicking either the check of the X but neither does anything... 

Please help, I enjoy the game but I would hate to start all over... again.

Also, I have a weird problem where... the plot won't progress. day 120 and the only plot related thing was the elves and poe... Did I mess something up?

Just figured out I didn't have the most up to date version of the game, anyone know where I can find that? It doesn't seem to be here...

And the auto button isn't working.

I have an issue with the save files. All these files keep poping up in my desktop. Please. help.  I love this game, but none of my saves work... I just like 3 hours of play.

Awesome! thanks!

I love this game, been playing for some time, one of the first games I ever favoritied on Newgrounds. 

I am doing another run through after some time of being away... and I can not for the life of me do two things. First off I can't figure out how to save cassie and having a place for her to go afterwards (It keeps giving me that message) I know I have talked to Arlene, Fawn, Sammy, AND Lin Lin. but I don't know where to go next. I have completely forgotten. I know I did this before... but its all blank. 

Second on the list is the science lab. There is meat all over the second floor, the log book says to "solve the problem" but I can't figure out what to do next. I tried to shock the meat around the stairs, but I can't figure out how.

thanks for any help you could give.

P.S. What is this about a forest cave? and also, Gin came back and we had the scene of him trying to wash his pants, what do I do next? Also also, the plant is still unbeatable?