bug,he don´t move up
have a bug near o plane (part 2),the character shoot alone when catch munition
the game need otimization,
ok,i will
thank you man, I loved this!
que isso? kkkkk
muito bom,gostei muito!
don´t accept credit car, my paypal is in real br
eu joguei e fiquei parado dentro do apartamento, acredito que isso seja a demo, se for é muito pouco!
why don´t accept credit card?,Im Brazil
i want buy this game,but you dont accept card!
eu gostei do jogo,os gráficos podiam ser um pouco melhor,mais tá valendo!
very good
please put support to gamepad
very good game! Here My Gameplay..
Congratulations,this is Scary game,See My Gameplay
Here the chest code
good game,but very short!
Good Game,here my gameplay!
my gameplay!