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A member registered 59 days ago · View creator page →

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We'll fix that in the next update thanks for letting us know!

Its the button to the left of the draw button. You cant change bet though until you get an upgrade to do so. We'll try to make that clearer, thanks for the feedback!

That's a solid bug catch thanks for letting us know!

Thanks so much for playing and for your feedback! We plan on addressing those issues so definitely come back for the next update!

Hey, this is so cool, thanks for playing and posting this! Would it be possible for you to post a link to this page in the description?

Also, I think the audio is out of sync, just thought I should mention. Thanks again!

(1 edit)

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Hey Everybody,
We're Regicide Studios, a few friends working on our first game, Video Poker Rogue. We're planning to update the Demo here until it is ready for a full release on Steam. Please check it out and let us know what you think, and join our Discord if you want to follow along with our development.

A rogue-lite video poker game where your money is your life!

Demo Build 1.0 showcases the basic mechanics of VPR including:

  • Video Poker Simulation
  • Battle Mechanics: winning hands deals damage to the enemy, and enemy attacks reduce your Credits. 
  • Stances and Statuses: Try to Block or Riposte enemy attacks without succumbing to Stun or Bleed.
  • Upgrade system: Every few hands choose an upgrade from one of three paths, unlocking stronger upgrades with progress.

Full Release of Video Poker Rogue will include: 

More Upgrades

  • Difficulty Settings
  • Challenge Modes
  • Plenty to Unlock