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A member registered May 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ty! Really trying to get the next update finished up soon!

In the current version its just a left over objective i forgot to complete. I fixed it for the upcoming version.

Sorry to hear you were having trouble. The code for the first door is 1903. 

Next time please leave your grievances with the game to a single post. I'm not against hearing criticism, even if its from people who dislike a lot of core aspects. But please do me a favour and leave it within the replies of this post.

In another note. A lot of the game's features are not yet implemented and are fairly placeholder. Either a walkthrough will eventually be created when all the puzzles are finished. Or we will straight up add a skip button for those who are having trouble.

(1 edit)

TY TY TY! The game is 95% mostly developed by just me at the moment. T-T

I only just recently started to get more people onboard to help for things like music and in-game billboard ads that will be around the town and stuff.

I greatly appreciate your kind words! and I hope you enjoy the up and coming update!

Tysm for your kind words! You don't understand how much it means hearing this sentiment among so many people. Ill do my best to not let any of you down!


Thank You!

Here's a crudely drawn chart.

thats just a bug

Ill be looking into this. Not quite sure whats causing it atm.

TYSM! I appreciate it! 

im gonna try and add some better resolution settings next update hopefully

That's still kinda up in the air for the time being. I would like to port it to android, but no promises at the moment.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!

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You can still download the game from the discord just in case.

Itch seems to be having some problems at the moment. I tried to update the game again but their servers are packed. The patched game for the save file problems will be up later.

She doesn't use the save file name yet.

oh no. I'll be looking into fixing it today. I'll be providing a save file too, so people do not have to restart again. Sorry for the trouble.

the save system in general is kinda scuffed at the momment. Was tha save from an older version? Or did you do that in the current one?

Sorry if you don't have Winrar. I just uploaded a ZIP version instead. Just unzip that and you can run the game.

The chart on the second letter tries to tell you that A = 0, B = 1 and c = 2. If you continue this pattern and with the entire alphabet, you'll have a number for BJAD which is 1903. Type that into the cellar keypad.

Eventually, I'll implement a puzzle answer hint thing. Or a walkthrough.

Sorry if you were having trouble

yeah thats the issue. At the momment the game tries to force a 1080p res.  Ill try and get the better settings in the game soon!

Thank you! 

Just a heads up. When there's another itch/shareholder release, i think you just need to download the game from your library and the newer build will there without the donation wall. 

For a little more clarity. If you check out the patreon or the devlog, the itch donators get early access at the same time as the shareholder tier. 


Uh oh. What res is your monitor?  And what version of the game are you running?

I'm collecting info right now on people with resolution issues for when I go and make the new options menu.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get it implemented soon!

I'm sorry you're having issues.

Thank you!
I'm not really happy with the sex in the game either atm. The large sprite scenes i had to rush. and the small ones (that are supposed to be like succubus affection) are a little jank too. I'm open to hearing what problems you have with them, if you want to go into a little more detail.

Most likely, yes. It would be at or after release however 

I found out what the problem was. I updated the 0.1.14 version. I'll be doing a larger bug fix for some other stuff soon.

Okay. I'll see if I can get a hotfix out.

You couldn't click the book box to put it back?

Here I will post updates that don't warrant a devlog post.

Ummm Hello... I didn't expect the update to get so much attention. Ill be bugfixing the game and providing a save file for the new content soon. The save system is kinda broken atm. Sorry if people are having issues  💜

do you so happen to be trying to download the game from the itch desktop app?

Some people have been having the same problem for some reason. It seems to be something going on at Itch's end. If you'd still like to install the game i'd suggest joining the discord and using the direct download link there.

Hello! Sorry if you were having trouble. There is a guide system in the game. If you hover over an objective in the book, a little tooltip will appear explaining what you have to do for puzzles.

There will be another puzzle in the next update. So if you get stuck again, you can figure it out from there.

I keep forgetting to add a popup window to inform people about it.

It has some cleaning to do in the void.

thank you!