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A member registered Nov 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Super cool game! I love the combination of breakout and pinball. Petty difficult though... wish the gate wouldn't lock when you fall down to the first floor

Those flippers really flip! I got a score of 2900

cool looking table. I got a score of 9700

Super cool powerups!

Fun! Very nice looking. Maybe the ball is a little slow

Nice! This was great fun to play on my tall monitor.

I'm afraid I'm entirely unable to find the first door after sitting in the chair. I'm quite sure there is no glowing doorway anywhere in the level, and I see no building that stands out or other visual or audio clue.

The downloadable mislabeled :(

It's only for windows.

Played through both versions, and was impressed with how the Sailor was different. Despite the straightforward mechanic of two different movesets, I was surprised. 

Pardon me for my 64-bit chauvinism, but you might have assumed it was 64-bit, since nothing else was indicated. As you can see this is an entry to a game jam and so I don't think it is fair to expect the regular technical nicities. 

If it is any consolation, we did not have time to balance the game either.

Great game! Fun idea!

I am playing this with my cousins as a regular events. We are all so excited and blown away by the intricate scale of it all and are having a great time of it really. 

We each had a to have a game or competition for a party, and I picked this. Stakes were high as I had put a frozen pizza on the line and everyone knew they would be hung over the next day. 

A riot almost broke out when <spoiler> people slowly discovered that the scores were completely randomized</spoiler>

Absolutely adore the graphics. What little animation there is, is great. It was fun scaring 4 kids in endless mode

I got properly scared when my head fell off after being eaten. Let me just try to turn my graphics card on maybe it will lag less :p

Those sound effects are great! I always jumped in my seat when I got slapped

Press [1], [2] and [3] on the keyboard to change weapons

Just played all the way through it(?) and failed to find any easter-egg command through stringdumping :( 

Glitch exploration is always fun