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Reign Dance

A member registered Sep 11, 2016

Recent community posts

I played around a bit. 1 ingot of metal makes a boss and a couple of other small pieces. 2 ingots (and 3 ingots as well) makes the ring to the shield, but I couldn't figure out how to make the main part of the shield.

Thanks, I made an account on there to share more of my ideas; but I can't figure out how to add a suggestion.

I made a topic on Reddit about eight months ago about a smithing simulator style game, but it didn't seem to gain much traction there. I made a lot of suggestions I feel would be good for this game. Here's the link if you're interested, Dasius.

When I make copper weapons, they get sold as bronze weapons. Bronze is supposed to be a mixture of copper and tin. Maybe you can replace the tin ingots with bronze ingots instead. Also, I'd like to be able to purchase ores and smelt them myself. I'd also like to be able to smith my own grips and guards. Maybe in the future, you can add enchanting. The way it could work is you could smith some magical gems into your weapons. Other than gems, you could pay a wizard to imbue different quality enchantments into your stuff.

I pitched the idea of a game like this on Reddit approximately 8 months ago and came up with all sorts of ideas. Maybe you'd like to take a look through my post and the comments. They might go well with your game.