I don't know if it's already been asked or mentioned in the specifics of the roadmap, but has the idea for taking point of view pictures during sex animations been thought of?
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Aha! I think I figured out the cause of the "Zealot In Training" and "Intermediary" achievement spam. So... I was trying to go for the achievement in the memory room; "TeneteneT X", and once I pulled it off, in the results page I got an achievement pop-up of "Zealot In Training" and "Intermediary". And now the two achievements replaced all of my normal achieved achievements.
Darn. I hope this doesn't mean I have to restart my progress to get it to work properly. ^^;
SPOILER warning in case;
I'm currently at Level 30, With 16/17 total events, and 11/12 nightmares. My normal achievement list is filled with just "Zealot In Training" and "Intermediary", whilst my Gallery Achievements is all still "incomplete" despite multiple times I've done them according to what they detail.
I'll try resetting my progress, and if that doesn't work oh well I guess on my part. XD
Nightclub level was pretty challenging. Kept me constantly focusing on the patience bars and flickering from camera to camera. The final stage was quite a surprise too, but a nice challenge.
Although I will say that while the cutscenes were nice I am very lost on what the story even is, but I'm pretty sure that may be on me. I haven't checked out that visual novel yet so that may be why.
And yeah, while I did enjoy the gameplay, an underline part of me wished that there was some more nsfw content that ties more into the player's point of view, rather than the gallery (although that does not mean I do not like the animations, they're really good so props to the animators). I also understand that the game's still under development, so I'm looking forward to what comes next. ;D
Playing the v0.5.0 version, I noticed that after extracting from the castle mission along with collecting the doll, I'm in a loop where I'm back in the town, but the game is acting as if it's before starting the castle mission, such as "feeling awkward going up to talk to the boss after just leaving", and "Finished chatting with the two co-workers about the castle".
When the game puts me into the mission, I start at the second checkpoint near the castle and playground, and talking to the co-worker sends me back to the town, starting me in a loop.
Fun game so far though, I liked scenes like the pink slime monster. ^^ Hope there are more scenes with monster entities, not gonna lie I was assuming the possessed armor in the castle bathroom was gonna be another scene. XD