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A member registered Sep 26, 2021

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Oh yeah it did work nvm haha... i just saw it say download again and i immediately thought it was the old link... thx a bunch for checking it though :))

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Not sure if it's me but it looks like the download link for Android hasn't been updated yet as I still get the Version 1 update. :/

I am speechless. Seriously, you've outdone yourself, especially with this update and the game so far. This is by far my most favorite VN since I started reading VNs. The whole update was an emotional rollercoaster and I was actually crying by the end which proves that this is a masterpiece. I really cant wait for more content and where this might go.

You've created something beautiful Ryuo,  but remember not to overwork yourself, especially after this big of an update. 

Take care :)

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Yeah thats why deleting it is just easier just remember where you left off then go to options/preferences  and switch your skip button to "unseen text" to get back where you were or just play the VN from the start again if you dont remember all of it or just for fun :)

It happens to me too in a lot of VNs, usually the best solution for me, was to the delete the app and then just install it again with the download. You will lose your saves but the app will work again.

The dev is going through a tough time if you take a look at his twitter it might clear up some questions.

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Sry that I took so long too reply. I'll try to find out how to get the ending with everything you told me till now. If I still dont get it I will gladly take you up on that offer. :D

Ok I got it this far but I can't manage to invite Alon to the baths and get the gem too it's either one or the other and I need both sooo..

So I have to finish the whole game without skipping to get the scene? 

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So if I catch it I just have to finish the game all the way to the end?! Because I did catch it but I skipped does it also skip the scene then?

I managed to get the gem but even in the baths the playthrough is the same only that we aknowlegde the gem unless I miss something by skipping.

I've tried yet still can't get there. Could you be more precise pls Im desperate.

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The Game Over screen just send me flying ahahahhahaha.

It keeps on blowing my mind.  

Keep up the work, I love every bit of this VN :D

Still dunno what part.. 

Oh welp guess I'll just have to play it again :D

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Yeah... Sad face TwT...

Well thx for checking again ^^

Now I atleast know

Im really curious what is the Medaillon they keep on talking about I cant remember any thing about it. T_T

Mhmm still somehow doesnt work on my phone maybe its has something to do with the update version or things like that because it works on an old phone of mine somehow

Hello, I don't know if you noticed but the Android version doesn't seem to work it always says that the update not installed even though I never installed the game before or have any files on my phone of it from that matter. I would appreciate if u might be able to take a look. If not that's ok. I'll find another way to play the game.