With the enemy density in later parts of the game and minimal ammo pickup, the endless tall enemy type in the last zone is a bit repetitive. More enemy variety + some mechanics to avoid them would be great to have.
Also, not sure if this is an intended playstyle or not but for most of the game I'd just let myself grabbed by the enemy and use the extra invulnerable period after escaping to move forward. Letting enemy grab you cost no HP and doesn't require fighting anything. Even during the hold-your-ground section where you've to fight waves of enemies before the path is available, it's solvable by just letting enemy grab and abuse the animation period to wait for the path to open. Like you can solve the whole game by just using this, only need to fight the boss to progress since it's not skippable. Even then you can just kite it to the end of each side, abusing the pass out period after using V to avoid the ground slam move and let it grab you instead, escaping to the opposite side to reload, rinse and repeat.
I think the invulnerable period should be shorten after repetitive uses to prevent abusing it, but I also think it's a nice way to implement an easy mode for players who struggle a bit.