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A member registered Jan 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Great, I'm here, go ahead and message me on Discord. Or is there somewhere else you'd like to communicate? 

The atmosphere and art style is truly just dripping from this game. Great writing, it characterizes the world and makes it feel very tangible 

1-BIT JAM community · Created a new topic Need A Writer?

Hi I'm Relarin, a published author and freelance writer. if you have a story you want to tell but need some help brainstorming, drafting or even just revising, please let me know, I'd be thrilled to be apart of the team. Videogame's are my passion and I'd love to help create something unique. 

Let me know if you have anything in mind! Overall though I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with for the Jam! 

Discord: Relarin #5323

You've got this!

The artist definitely did a wonderful job!

That's a great idea


Hi I'm Relarin a published author and freelance writer. Do you need help telling your story? I can work with you brainstorm, build and define your story to ensure quality. I'm newer to the GameJam side of things but videogames are my passion and narrative ones like Detroit Become Human, Undertale, are my favorite and where I have plenty of audience experience. 

Let me know if you need anything and I'm excited to see how this jam goes for everyone!

Discord: Relarin #5323

Sure if you want to, I'm primarily a writer though and can't really help with many other aspects of the jam, although I can read code and know a lot about Photoshop. 



Hi I'm Relarin, a published author and freelance writer. If you want help with any story elements in your game  from brainstorming, development or even revision, please let me know. I'm also fluent in Java, C#, C++, not to the point where I can code but enough so that if I need to look over some code, I can understand it. I've never used Kenney assets before but the style  looks like it's a prime candidate for some classic  story type games, even some RPG's.  I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with! 

Should you wish at some of my stuff:

-Discord: Relarin #5323 

Want to talk some writer stuff? 

Hi I'm Relarin, a published author and freelance writer. I want to help tell your story, if you need help brainstorming, writing or just revising I want to help in any way I can.  Narrative games are my passion, no matter what style whether it be something like Life is Strange or a text adventure. Let me know if I can help you and I hope everyone has a great time!

Discord: Relarin #5323 

Previous work: 

Yes, are we allowed to?

Hi I'm Relarin, a published author and freelance writer. Crafting is one of my favorite things to do in a game when a game does a good job with it! Although it's very mechanic focused, I think a cool story to go along with crafting, or even to integrating crafting as the main way to deliver the story would be really intersting. However if you have any ideas, I'd love to help, write, revise or even just brainstorm ideas. Just let me know. Hope everyone has a great jam!

Previous work: 

Discord: Relarin #5323

Sure but shouldn't we wait for the game jam theme? Or are you thinking separately? 

Hi, yes I am, just added you back on discord!

Hi I'm Relarin, a published author and freelance writer. If you want help with any story elements in your game  from brainstorming, development or even revision, please let me know. I'm also fluent in Java, C#, C++, not to the point where I can code but enough so that if I need to look over some code, I can understand it. I've never used Kenney assets before but the style  looks like it's a prime candidate for some classic  story type games, even some RPG's.  I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with! 

Should you wish at some of my stuff:

-Discord: Relarin #5323

Hi I'm Relarin. I've writen and published several short stories and am currently in the process of writing my first full length novel! 

I'm not all too sure how much a game like this would need a big story but if you need help writing, storyboarding or even just brainstorming concepts. I want to help! 

Let me know here or on Discord Relarin #5323

I hope everyone has a great jam! It's really cool to see a local community host a coemption like this. Wish the libraries in my area did this! 

Hi I'm Relarin! I've writen and published several short stories and am in the process of editing my first full length novel.

I'm new to the gamedev space and I'm seeking knowledge on the writing aspect in every way I can! (Plus I love this genre of games so it's right up my ally) If you need help to storyboard your game, write or even just brainstorm an idea. I'd be thrilled to help! 

Contact me on Discord Relarin #5323.

Hi I'm Relarin. I've writen and published several short stories and am currently in the process of editing my first full length novel.

I'm wanting to get experience in the gamedev space as a writer and as such I'd love to help your project. Even if it's just helping you brainstorm and storyboard ideas, to complete and proper creation of a story for your jam. Please let me know!

Reach me on Discord Relarin#5323

Awesome! I added every friend request I got. If not add me on Discord and lemme know what I can help with! 

If you have discord feel free to message me Relarin#5323

PlayJam 3 community · Created a new topic Need A Writer?

Hi I'm Relarin! I've published several short stories and am currently revising my first novel. On the gamedev side, I have light coding experience (enough to understand but not code) and am currently story boarding my own game. If anyone wants someone to look over their story or even just throw some ideas around, I'd be down.

Let me know on Discord: Relarin #5323

Hope everyone has a great Jam! 

If you want any help writing or storyboarding even just to get any ideas straight. Let me know! 

Hi!  Is it hard to code game physics? I'm a gamedev writer myself but I'd love to add you on discord if you have it. 

Hi I'm Relarin, I've writen and published several short stories. Currently in the process of editing my first novel. I'm new to the gamedev space but want to help wherever I can. Even if it's just bouncing ideas off of someone or helping to build basic story concepts.

Ecstatic to see what everyone comes up with. Let me know if I can do anything for you. 

Contact me at Discord Relarin #5323 or Email

-Thanks, Relarin. 

Stuffing kids in pockets. Top tier. 

(1 edit)

What kind of team members are you looking for? 

Hi I'm Relarin. I've writen several short stories, had two published and am currently editing my first full length novel. I'd love to help write a narrative to go with a game, brainstorm ideas or even just be there to  bounce ideas off of. 

Love horror and I'm thrilled to see what everyone comes up with.

Discord: Relarin #5323

Let me know if you're interested! Thanks. 

Thanks.  I'll add you!

Hello I'm Relarin. This is my first experience trying to get into a GameJam but I'd love to help flesh out any story beats or even just be there for someone to bounce ideas off of. I've writen several short stories and had two published. Currently editing my first novel. I'm semi familiar with queer media and honestly just want to intake more of it. 

Discord: Relarin #5323

Let me know! Thanks. 

Your sense of atmosphere via the audio cues was on point! 

I know that Dungeon Crawlers aren't particularly known for their story so I'm more interested in being here for anyone should they wish to bounce ideas off of someone or even helping with scoping a story.

I've writen several short stories, published two and currently editing my first novel. 

Thrilled to see what everyone comes up with. Let me know if I can do anything for you. 

Contact me at Discord Relarin #5323 or Email

-Thanks, Relarin. 

Hello I'm a writer who's mainly looking for experience on game design. I've writen several short stories and currently editing my first novel. If you're looking for someone to help write something or even just bounce ideas off of I'd love to help. 

If you wish to contact me either on Discord at Relarin #5323 or at my email 

Excited to see what everyone makes!

-Thanks, Relarin.