the audacity D:
So I just noticed that the first note on bug theif doesn't regester- nothing big just thought I would say something-
ignore all the other tabs i was doing a research paper
*mwha* you are now the ruler of all gods
if anyone gets 0 misses on we're number one- I am going to fly over to your location and kiss you because your too talented.
First of all I don't know why this game is getting hate- it's truly a good and addicting game that I play basicly every day- good job and keep up the good work!
i loved this- and now im gonna play it again.
Ok! Thank you for your reply!
Oh wow, when I tell you I loved this. When is the completed game going to come out? So far it's looking fantastic so I just wanted to know :)))
i cant play this because im on my school computer, but I have another secret computer so ill play it on there HEHEEHHE