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A member registered Mar 03, 2022

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Dam. I haven't been able to find it in game and the wiki said you had to had to have a vag. (Unless I read it wrong of course.) Thanks for letting me know

Thoughts on male pregnancy? Like with slime or eggs or something?

Nah, I went and searched every room. It shows all of them in the map room and I went to all

People can be born with wrong parts, both parts, wrong hormones. That's scientific fact. Is it not possible that the brain in early development, in the womb assigns a gender, only for the body to just get it wrong for one reason or another?

(1 edit)

This game is quite artful and I do think it's quite good though as someone that identifies as the term femboy, I just kinda felt weird playing it. Now I don't consider femboy a gender. I am a man, but that is the term that describes me best.

When I first saw the fem room I tried so hard to enter it and find something or just explore it's unique setting, but when I did get there, it was just a room with a shade of pink that went nowhere. Just a dead end.

Also there just isn't a masc room which felt strange considering that the game go's fairly in-depth.

I loved the euphoria room and it made me feel seen in some weird way. Also didn't realise it was connected too dysphoria which was interesting for me.

There was a fluid and drag room, which while both great, I just didn't get the level of enjoyment I was hoping for went entering the game. I get that there are an infinite amount of people out there and capturing all their identities would be impossible, but an androgynous room would have been quite nice. Also the drag room was just boring. Idk

For reference I got to having to repair Ambers broken ring. I can't find the comments for this game, only posts, so here. 

This game was fine to begin with. I had a few problems with the dialogue in the intro though I've certainly played games with worse. I find it weird that the games starts off 2 years in the future. It may make sense narratively but if it does I'm yet to reach there. The voice acting was alright. It was nice not having to read every line of dialogue like in more games. 

The problems I have with the opening is how hard it is to navigate. It's hard to tell building apart and while there are few and it's easy to remember on first play through it's quite annoying, especially when the game quickly has you go to seemingly all important locations to find Amber.

The game took a nose dive for me when the combat started. The game is probably still in development and is subject to change but as it stands combat sucks. Encounter sounds/warnings and loud and extremely flashy. It surprised me at first but from then on it was just sudden and annoying, even if I knew it was coming. The visuals are bad. The slimes could use a touch up and the main character is a 3D gif that doesn't even resemble your character and looks completely out of place compared to the rest of the game.

(Spoilers if you wanna play knowing nothing of the story.) Forced lose. You fight a Slime woman and you lose. There is no possible way to win. This would be fine except you are "used" by her.  This is just a game and I've only seen a small part of it so there is probably more of this stuff but having sort of rips a sense of purity from your character. I know people are probably into that, though this is a personal preference and maybe the game just isn't for me. Though I with the encounter ended sooner. Perhaps just before being "used". It is technically a dream (or maybe it isn't idk) but it's  still something I feel you should have the option to avoid and stay "pure".

Amber. I hate her. At the start is looks as though she is going to take advantage of you before skipping forward 2 years. When speaking with other characters all you and they talk about is how much you love her and when talking with the queens girls it's about how much she loves you. Yet when you first meet her the first thing she does break and ring you made her, She doesn't apologize or anything. She just says it was weak and inevitable. Even if true it doesn't excuse how rude she is. She then punishes you and has you fix it. For how much the relationship is "hyped up" (I say that loosely) from the outside in and based entirely off this encounter she just seems abusive towards you.

Saving. I turned auto save on. Though when I was killing slime to fix the ring I died and was sent all the way back to when I had first entered the cave before I had gone to the tree. I looked for a save option though I couldn't find it which was extremely annoying.

This game looks like it has a lot to offer but I don't think I'll pick it up again in it's current state due to the combat and ui of this game. I hope it's updated in the near future as it looks to have lots of potential.

Played the Demo or only available free version and yeah it sucks. The plot is both boring and ridiculous at the same time. The dialog is terrible with quite a few grammatical errors, especially for a short demo. If you click on the TV your only option is to masturbate. You can't even look away from it. And the section where you do masturbate last so long and goes frame by frame that you MUST click through and can't skip.

I'd never support this game. That demo was a waste of my time.

Hey Indivi!

I was wondering about male pregnancy. Despite my searching I've yet to find it in game. I found an old comment of yours saying it could be found through the "meat parasite route" though I can't find this on the wiki which also don't have much info on male pregnancy.

I assume it has something to do with the hidden lab though I have only found the lab in lust doll and not lust doll plus due to my Senses being low and it being more annoying to level up than other stats.

Is this in the hidden lab and if so, what is the best way find it?

Need this!

Found first game 2 days ago and played that for hours! Super fun. Then today I realise there is an updated version? I love it! 

Also for such a lewd game I didn't expect it to have so many wholesome moments. Cassie is AMAZING! I love her so much!

If I had one complaint about the game, it's that there is no anal. I mean Rinny gave us the option to do it to her but when we ask her to grow a cock she can't do it to us or finish in us after having teased her.

I'm trying to play a feminine male character and with this game it's super easy. I just wish there was the option of anal. Especially with all the other kinks in the game (Including male pregnancy, though I've only seen the option and haven't found it in game, yet...)

In short, awesome game! Continue the amazing work! (Could use more anal)

Thank you

(3 edits)

Love the game. The animation and art is amazing. The corruption mechanic is unique and I think works quite well.

The only complaints I have are miner and gameplay related. 

The character only facing the one direction. 

The walking speed is kinda fast compared to how the background moves. 

The tentacles in the third level are unavoidable. (Well I've haven't gotten past them)

Besides that, great game. I look forward to more updates