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A member registered Oct 27, 2020

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Is this game also gonna have a story?

(1 edit)

Just for those looking for it: Next Update will likely be 15th of March for Patreon/31st of March for the rest (it's in Selebus' discord).

I agree, please sell this also on itch, my country bans all porn games on steam.

Not entirely sure what you are talking about; the game updates usually twice a month, with the SubscribeStar-backer getting the new update a sequence earlier. All updates have new content. 

This time the backers get acces to 0.26.0 part 1 while the free users get 0.25.0 part 2. in two to three weeks, the backers will get 0.26.0 part 2 and the free users 0.26.0 part 1.

Praise the Sun!

next weekend, it seems.

(1 edit)

NiiChan, mind telling me whether or not your game punishes the player (in the long run) for trying to go harem?

ah ok, I had just gotten the quest to hunt "a certain fey"

guess i'm almost there then :)

Thanks for the info. 

anyone knows how to get bimbo chloe? cant figure it out...