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Anime Aoi

A member registered Jun 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Ha so I started the game on 1.2 working really well so far still a lot of bugs and the 4th power still isn't working for some reason so I wanted to ask is there going to be a patch to fix the the left over bugs?

(1 edit)

I think in the next update along with bug fixes that one of the other routes that are almost done for end game content should take priority but thats just me so do what you think is best.#JPDE

The game is amazing i can't wait for the game to be in fully complete and also i hope in the future there is some merch for this game like either cosplay outfits or clothes of our main characters, a postor or accessories but i would like to report some bugs in qrows event because everytime i attempt it it resets and never completes i don't know whats going oh also another thing i can't wait is a walkthrough timeline chart to be more prepared to chose which route you want to do.

Glad that the story finished can't wait for the 100% content finish and jpde2.