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A member registered Jul 10, 2021

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(1 edit)


It's a good game, mindless fun watching yourself plow through hordes of armies. Quite lacking at parts but it's still pretty fun.
My issues are in the bosses; either too easy where you just plow through them, which is fitting for the game's main idea. or straight up unfair at times to the point it's trial and error instead of being somewhat challenging. Ling (or whatever's the husband's name is) is my main issue in this part, there's no pattern in the attacks, you just get stunlocked randomly by the lightning attacks and died somehow, the fight doesn't even progress at times, also i might found a bug where you can't use the fireball attack on the guy's bossfight.

In fact, i would like to address that most of the skills are not working properly at times, could be due to lag on my part. Other than that, it's a fun game for 1-2hrs worth of gameplay.