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A member registered Jul 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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1. This isnt a metroidvania (you dont unlock things to find new areas or anything at all)

 2. This game is broken and you dont even have gravity.

 3. it took me 30 seconds to beat the game and it wasnt even that enjoyable. 

I mean no hate but you should really fix these errors before the jam ends. 

Thanks so much for the honest feedback! If I ever decide to continue this game ill definitely change this.

Love this game, Its really fun. If you wanted to continue updating this game it could really benefit from an upgrade system of some sorts.  But overall an amazing game 

I like the gameplay but if you get a chance to when the game jams over. Please add mouse lock. Without it you can only turn a certain amount. Its required in first person games. Also when you beat a level it says "You lost" But overall the gameplay is fun and you should keep up the good work!

thanks so much! This really means a lot to me

you can move normally if you use the arrow keys. But overall a pretty fun game with a cool twist

how the fuck did I get 308th with this shitty ass game that I made in a day


thanks bro!