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A member registered Sep 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeeeaaa..  Should've thought about that lo

Hiya! Ty for liking my lil story!! As for the discord thanks for informing me

Here take it

Ty sm 😭

oh my god how did you get the stolen item related ones I can’t figure it out for the life of me 😞

Honestly I kinda forgot to 1( bug test it when I first made it and 2( what parts take a few seconds to load. I am currently rewriting the story anyways so It'll probably get fixed but until then Just wait for like a minute after and tell me if it still doesn't work!

Thank you so so SO much! Haven't you been supporting me throughout this whole thing? I'm so thankful and you're one of the main people who have gave me the motivation to continue this little project. Though I am on a huge burnout because of the start of school I have still been trying my best because of people like you!

From what I've heard their redoing every chapter because their doing a new kind of format for the game? They are also working on the next chapter for Horrortale at the same time and appearently drafting smth for a new game?? I could be wrong though

Hiya! I could help you with this! If you want any help (You can look at my IF to judge) and if you have discord just add me at  reptilianreptiles

Thank you sm! This is my first time doing a story of this kind

(1 edit)

Ty sm! This means a lot to me