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A member registered Feb 27, 2017

Recent community posts

Did you fix the bug regarding getting stuck in a loop where if you lose a night, you cannot complete any subsequent nights?

Question, in the main menu options theres an option labeled 

Reroll for captured ghosts, what does this do?


Full on furry.

Expected a low tier game, got something pretty solid. Love the variety and pathing choices for endings, wish each section got expanded on a bit, the mansion is pretty fleshed out but the other 2 areas are fairly slim, hope to see more in the coming updates.

A question for LAGS, is there any chance in the future that development for modded content to be a possibility, or even easily possible? This game so far is really enjoyable and I could foresee there being a lot of opportunity for a modding community to flourish

(2 edits)

So, one qualm i will point out is the poker game, there's a difference between difficult and outright cheating. Homeless girl literally plays like she can see your hand. Folds the moment you have a good hand, folds anytime you draw the insta win, doesn't fold if they only have aces high and you have nothing higher, literally does not fold if their hand is statistically trash but only if your hand is better. 

Heck, she consistently folds before the cards are revealed, telling me she can literally see the cards by doing so.

Currently the only way to beat her is to raise bid before cards are revealed, and hope to draw a win. otherwise she just folds if your starting hand is better.

The owner of the OC was unhappy their character was put in the game without permission.

Neat, another payment option for content that was already promised in the Full option, really fishy how you keep going for cash grab routes rather than providing a proper service.

It absolutely is, I just went to buy the "complete" version with the exclusives, and all the exclusives are marked as "coming soon"