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A member registered Apr 09, 2020

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Unfortunately the controls are a complete mess.

It takes several tries to hit the hitbox of anything (even buildings). This makes it nearly impossible to repair/fix anything. Maybe there exists some kind of offset between the actual mouse click and the area where the game _thinks_ where the click has been.

I tried it in the itch-app and directly in the browser - the browser seems to have worked a bit better (at least in fullscreen mode) but overall still more or less unplayable.

Maybe you can add a small dot or circle on the position where you _think_ the player clicked so that there is a possibility to at least manually "adjust" the mouse offset.

Hi, I get the red error message "Image 'amelia_oral_avi' not found." when doing the 1-black-heart-2-red-heart "Blowjob" selection with Amelia in the cafe. It appears for the first selection "Blowjob" after Evan says "Now move back and forth."

(1 edit)

Ah, ok. But for the Hard Drive: I just verified with the old 0.14 version that the hard drive was "Sold Out". After migrating the saves to the 0.15 version it seems to have reenabled the buy option for the hard drive. As I said it's saying that "I already bought that". But I cannot pick it up from the mail either as I am way behind that story line (and so already did that earlier in the game in the 0.14 version).

At which scene/dialog-option is it possible to get a handjob with Android? I already have 2 handjobs but cannot find (or remember) where to get more.

[Edit] Ah... I finally found it. It's one of her lust-options.

I noticed some small points after installing the 0.15 (I did a clean install and copied the save games from the 0.14 version).

The font in the image directory on the pc is very fat now and hard to read.

Under the "Other" shop I have the option to buy Kali's Hard Drive for $20.00 - but it says "I already bought that" (that is completely true, as I finished the 0.14 story lines) - the other points are listed as "Sold Out" and I think this should be the same for the hard disk. I am not sure if this issue already existed
in the 0.14 version.

In the new Android/Ally-event the when the MC is talking about plans for the future, he is wondering about the Cyberspace. But as there has already been a Cyberspace event, I think that he should know about it? Maybe I'm mistaken here and only Kali knows about it? (I don't remember who exactly was part of that previous event, but at least Android talked with Kali about it, already in 0.14)

Then there are two points that already existed in 0.14:

I still don't get any progress for the "Slick Hands" with the Android. The morning blowjob doesn't count as a handjob. But maybe there is somewhere another dialog option that triggers a "real" handjob?

Also I noticed (but I think I didn't mention it here before) that when you ask Ashley to sleep with you, she will join you with her brown hair. When waking up, she will have her blonde hair again, which doesn't make so much sense. I would really like to see her also waking up with her natural hair. :-)

OMG. I am so hyped. I really love this game. :-)

I have the same issue. I don't know when I did get the two handjobs from her but it's not increasing anymore since then. The alarms are only increasing her blowjob count.

Yes, one of the affection dates. :-)

The kiss that I mean is mentioned in the same dialog a little bit later, when Maria says: "What, we kiss? We get leeeeewd...?" and Hana says "Ehhh... I was hoping you forgot about that...". Maria then says "Of course not! That night was so fun, I would never forget it. I even got to kiss my childhood friend"

I am not sure if that kiss has happened (and I may just have forgotten about it), if it is something that happened off-screen or if it should have happened and it didn't.

I found the first meeting with Hana in my saves, then the rom-com cinema with MC, Ashley, Maria and Hana and then the travel to the beach with Maria, Hana and the MC, which seems to be the only point Hana got drunk (I am not sure why, but I don't get the beach-visit to trigger on that day again and I cannot return so many steps from the save after it, only read parts of the visit in the history, so I am not completely sure that the kiss was e.g. only visible and not readable).

Hmm. Hana didn't move in at all (yet) and I have 0/4 of her points and 7/12 bar events.

But you are right - after searching for it by loading different save games, I finally found that it was Maria mentioning it, not Hana. The day (Sunday) before the day of the lingerie event Maria talked about it with the MC while being with on a date (asking her in the hotel room, MC and Maria then went to the Hot Springs). That date increased the affection with Maria to 20 (could be important).

Do you need a save game to look at the issue?

One other thing I noticed (but maybe I just forget it) is the kiss with Hana that Maria mentions in the bar just before going to the lingerie store. I cannot remember that kiss happen in the first place (maybe it's just an off-screen thing?). But I will try to replay the saves, it could be that I just overlooked it.

I think something's wrong with the event order for the side character Hana. I had an event in the bar where she was talking with Marie and MC about their adventures like "buying" lingerie - but at that time this (and I think the third point mentioned by her) didn't happen yet.

Nice game btw. I didn't expect so much character development/background story. So I am positively surprised. :-)

Ok, I tested it inside a virtual machine with Ubuntu 19.10 and there it worked. I also didn't need to install anything.

So maybe it is some kind of missing/wrong-version library in my host system (Arch Linux and Manjaro Linux usually have newer libraries than Ubuntu).

Something that you can enhance in your game: add statistics. How many deaths (maybe even why)? How many of each enemy killed? Playtime total? Maybe (if it exists) playtime per dungeon/chapter/...

This is something, where players could compete with each other ("I have been faster/without deaths/...")

With these statistics you could als implement achievements in the game (like "Monster hunter" - "Killed all enemy types", "I hate slimes!" - "Killed 1000 slimes" and so on). Achievements are a big factor for replaying a game.

But this was just a first thought about your game. I now have to enable the sound in my virtual machine to really play and test it. xD

The linux version doesn't run within wine.

I tried the windows version with and without wine and I have the same error like in the linux version (so only a black screen in the game). Maybe it really is an issue with the mono version that I use. On which system did you successfully test the linux version?

Hi, installing the "mono" package on my system helped to start the game (even with the Kick file). But unfortunately it's still not really running.

I can create a character now but when I start the game I only get a black screen. Also when changing anything in the configuration leads to a black screen even before the character generation/selection.

I tried some different start options (different LD_PRELOAD paths, start Kick, start Mystica.bin.x86, ...x86_64, Mystica.exe with or without mono) but nothing helped (but I was able to always reach the menu and get into the "black" game - sounds and music were fine and I was hearing sword sounds and so on).

So installing mono definitely helped, but not enough. ;-) Maybe you have another idea? Which mono version are you using? I have mono 6.4.0 on my system.

Thanks anyway for your quick answer!

Is there some kind of bugtracker somewhere? I tried to start the 0.8-linux demo and I was able to see a loading screen but after that it crashed  to desktop with the following error:

Unhandled Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Mystiqa.MapState.Render () [0x0071e] in <cc43de19fd054eae806186ce72cd45e6>:0   at Mystiqa.Master.Draw (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x00000] in <cc43de19fd054eae806186ce72cd45e6>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoDraw (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x0001c] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick () [0x00239] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SdlGamePlatform.RunLoop () [0x00021] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameRunBehavior runBehavior) [0x00082] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run () [0x0000c] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Mystiqa.Program.Main () [0x0000c] in <cc43de19fd054eae806186ce72cd45e6>:0 [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Mystiqa.MapState.Render () [0x0071e] in <cc43de19fd054eae806186ce72cd45e6>:0   at Mystiqa.Master.Draw (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x00000] in <cc43de19fd054eae806186ce72cd45e6>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoDraw (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) [0x0001c] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick () [0x00239] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SdlGamePlatform.RunLoop () [0x00021] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameRunBehavior runBehavior) [0x00082] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run () [0x0000c] in <7df0491f78b541c48c6807e478b54930>:0   at Mystiqa.Program.Main () [0x0000c] in <cc43de19fd054eae806186ce72cd45e6>:0

I am running on a Manjaro Linux with the 5.6.2-1 kernel and the open source amdgpu driver.