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A member registered Dec 09, 2018

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(1 edit)

You can stop to investigate. I didn't knew that the game only saves the level progess after dying. Thought it would save  automatically somewhere between the end of a level/start of the next level. 

(2 edits)

I have save issues too. I've played the first level on the U64 board using a real EF3 cartridge, in normal difficulty.  REU is disabled in the U64 menu.  But nothing was saved after level 1. Any hints?

Probably related to the cartridge settings in the Ultimate 64 board. I switched the "Bus Operation Mode" from "Quiet" to "Dyn. & Writes" and it works stable now.

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Great Game, Sarah. But it think there is something wrong with the save slots. I've flahed the crt to my  real EasyFlash 3 cartridge, using the Ultimate 64 Elite board. The save slots 1 and 2 gives me a "Game Save Failed!" error message. The slots 3 and 4 seems fine though.

edit: Strange, after the 4-5th time saving in slot 1 and  2 works now. Will have an eye on it.