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A member registered May 08, 2023

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Wow. Good stuff. Any chance this might be translated to English?

Awesome insights ...


Interesting, how about a demo?

Nothing special for a professional like you ;)

As soon as you are finished, you could create a port on the C64, if you like!


I am quite sure it would be possible in OCS/ECS compared to e.g. colors used in Gods from Bitmap Brothers but it's up to the author.

Btw, if you need a new challenge after completing Dr. Dangerous. What about converting this game to 8-bit computers, like C64 and the likes?

Great news!

(2 edits)

Wow, what an awesome game! Could well compete with one of those Bitmap Brothers games in the end! What bothers me a little bit, is the sound when you collect battery or ammunition. I always shiver ;) Anyway, keep up this awesome work! I nominate Dr. Dangerous for the best 2024 game, if not for the last decades!

It's my pleasure!

Wow, cool! Another masterpiece. Completely different to the first game and in such a short amount of time. Would you mind translating it to English too?

Thank you very much. Nice one!

Very nice game, awesome sound. Unfortunately not in English. Would you mind translating it?

That looks phantastic. Could you also supply a *.tap file version?

Oh wow, that's so much better. Really really good. Thanks a million Luca.

That's good news! Thank you.

Yeah, you are right! That was my first suspicion! Allright

Btw, is it you or that allows logos for downloads? Maybe you should add a Raspberry Pi logo to all the downloads! And great to see that all none-C64 games are now also available for Raspberry Pi enthusiasts.

Would it be possible to make HERO2 (and HERO) stretch the full screen, just like in Mike Mech or other horizontal games?

Excellent! Thank you very much!

Something that runs on a Raspberry Pi like that build that was done for Undrium, called on this site ...

Would be nice to play Mike Mech on a Raspberry Pi.


(1 edit)

Is it possible to compile and offer an ARM-version for Raspberry Pi's?

I use the same C64 Studio from Georg Rottensteiner.

You are unstoppable. Amazing! May I ask what kind of development tools you use for this game including the assembler?

Good to know and good luck!

Will further check. Did you see the comments on ?

(1 edit)

Anyone tested this in WinFellow? I configured an Amiga 500 with 0,5MB chip RAM and 0,5MB bogo RAM and there are some bugs. Very nice idea though!

Thank you very much!

IAMAI is not a friend of *.tap download files ;)

I feel like an idiot now ;)

Hi , nice advice. Problem for me is, that this tool 'ZX-Blockeditor' is hard to find, as on most sites the tool is blocked or removed. Who has a valid download link for that one?

Another question. Would it be possible to add a *.tap (instead *.tzx) version of the game? Thank you

Good question

OK, thanks for replying. Your other games are great as well.

Are there chances that you pick up that game again and release it for the C64?