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A member registered Oct 31, 2021

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Wundervoll! Release on itch end of the month or 30 days? - looking forward to it!

The Ghost Hunt was really good! Very athmospheric. That part was a highlight for me.

(3 edits)
Eurydice talking about blueprints After I heard about this secret archive, I got curious and found this blueprint... I cross-referenced it with the other floor plans of the university, and I found something strange.)
I don't think Eurydice using the term 'blueprint' makes sense. The term is rather akin to 'our' world ( *construction* plans actually being printet on blue paper) Not sure how magic is affecting it in your worldbuilding but Caits world does strike me as one where the color blue is pretty expensive (even though the academy students uniforms are blue (or maybe even bacause of that?) - status symbol for *the* magic academy probably)

Best of luck then! Hope you keep having fun making the game - that matters more than punctual releases :)

(⊙_⊙)?… good to know

wat? where’re you getting that from? Also porn isn’t allowed in App store anyhow.

just donated - this is an awesome vn!

(1 edit)

When it came to deciding to ask for the smoke and discarding the ida the shot of the statue that immediately followed gave me a good chuckle.

I love these small details that sometimes hint at if you made a dumb choice.

ooo-weee! another update! nice

I think the choices are only flavor - the story is linear so far. (except for the DnD part)

History session with Nala makes no sense regarding the bows and draw strength.

Humans have/had no problem creating bows with high draw strength - especially with war bows you'd get a high draw strength (or weight).
But the thing with draw strength is that you've got to actually have the strength to draw the bow! Being able to use a heavy war bow requires a lot of training. Otherwise there is a high chance to injure yourself and you couldn't even use the full potential of the bow.

Having the elves making bows with a higher draw strength than anything humans could create and then saying elves are physically weaker in every way compared to humans is completely contradictory. Elves couldn't even use human bows then!

seems to me the girls are already color coded. (size chart) 
=> red, pink, green, blue, yellow, purple
probably easier to use as 'anonymized' placeholders

Personally I actually prefer the characters having predefined names. I'm reading a story about those characters and it allows for contextualized usage of the names. like wordplays or with the older succubus explaining the meaning of "red" and "pink"'s names which is giving us more context about that succubus character.

Thechnically it should be pretty easy to implement. It is just a variable declaration/ usage like with the MC-name.
for the text/dialogue its a simple find and replace.
If the names bother you, you could probably even do it yourself.
It looks like a pretty simple/standard renpy project. Just decompile it, run the find and replace with your prefererd names and run the game from the renpy sdk or compile it again. whatever floats you boat.
(you'd have to do it for every new release though)

if you are trying to open the game from the itch app try renaming the cruncher bat so it is not executable anymore (like ...bat.bak)

I was wondering what became of mc hypnotizing Grace to get wet from thinking of him. 

The only thing I noticed is that she is always blushing but not really anything more after the scene in the empty classroom.

So I guess she likes it then to be horny all the time after getting used to it? 

I'd love to explore that a bit more like how she manages and maybe she even develops a fetish for it and secretly wants to leave a puddle of goo wherever she goes.