A post on Patreon claims that the 0.7 release is now public, is this not correct?
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Good Game! The binds for both the player and enemies were great, with the Lost Sorcerer's slime being my favorite.
Some notes for the gameplay:
Sword Strike: a solid basic attack. Strong, but can be disabled easily by enemy binds. Upgrade immediately.
One handed strike: Flail button. Only useful if you can't use magic or sword strikes. Any upgrades here are better spent on items for healing and removing binds.
Magic Attack: The middle point between the Sword Strike and 1H Strike. Use Mp to deal slightly less damage than the Sword strike, or half your Mp to deal slightly more than a Sword Strike. Upgrades make this an alternative attack when your hands are bound.
Evasive maneuvers: Objectively Useless. Use to to gain 10% more dodge chance for two turns!(in exchange for one turn).Upgrades turn this bonus into 30%!(still not worth it)
Items: Health potion. You should never buy this, as the Health bar potion restores more for less
Heath bar potion. Chug these whenever your heath goes from green to yellow.
Knife: Use if you only have the basic arm binding.
Acid: Use if you have more than the basic arm binding.
Mana Shard: Magic isn't good enough to warrant buying these
Enemies are fun, they each seem to have their own gimmicks. Clearing out the Lost Sorcerer's first makes the basic areas alot easier, as they lack the damage of the Mischief spirits, while the Mischief spirits lack the ability to bind.
Green Warrior is a Dps Check, on whether or not you can outdamage their healing. Yellow Warrior is a standard fight, only with what seems to be the highest evade. Pink Warrior is neat with her free binds, forcing you to manage what items you use.
Ideas to make the useless useful:
One-handed strike: Make this attack always hit. This will make it useful against Spirits, giving the player a reason to upgrade it.
Magic attack: Right now it's only good for attacking when arms are bound, giving it an additional effect (like removing a bind or making your next attack stronger) will give it more purpose than "next best attack if sword isn't avalable"
Evasive maneuvers: Either increase how much dodge/turns you get from using this skill, or add a passive effect that uses it before a battle starts.
Heath Potions: Decrease price to 5, Increase the price of Health Bar Potions to 25. This would make it so that the player needs to keep an eye on their health and heal before they lose a bar, with the Heath Bar Potions serving instead as a stronger panic heal button.