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A member registered Sep 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Found a bit of a bug. In the browser version at least, buying the scene doesn't actually deduct points from your total. I started with 208, bought the scene, and still had 208.

I think that the idea of having to time clicks with the clock hands is a good mechanic for a hypno game, since it makes you have to focus on the spiral's center. As other people have said, I think the upgrades are probably too cheap, and get more expensive too slowly, since your profit scales out of control too quickly. Another thing that might be a good upgrade might be a hand rotation speed, so you can click more frequently. Also, I really like that you can change the subliminals it plays, but I think it would be interesting to see more pre-loaded sets of subliminals unlock after certain Intensity upgrade milestones.

You should really work on getting the individual body part growths for the non-Frieren characters working. I can't imagine it'd be too hard, relative to creating entirely new girls, since it's just removing parts of a model/animation or whatever you call it. It seems a bit misleading that the single girl that is available free is also the only one with the individual body parts being split, which could lead to people who only like, for example, breast expansion, paying for the fancier versions with the assumption that the exclusive girls also have that feature. I'm sure you aren't doing this intentionally, you probably just wanted to make sure the first girl got all the features first so that free players could get an accurate idea of what to expect, so I figured I'd let you know.

The shop thing is probably intentional. Shops in many roguelike/lite games disappear once visited. Part of the challenge in those cases is balancing the risk of going more battles without the powerup that shops could provide, in exchange of being able to buy more things with your money

So, I'm just assuming that this is how that works, but the cards that say things like "damage = 2 x lvl" on them means the level of the card itself, not the level of the player. If so, you should make that more clear, because having two stats/mechanics named the same thing creates confusion if you don't address it.

Glorious ending. Really makes some of the grindy parts worth it to just watch everything spiral out of control once the final tab was unlocked. Reminds me of Idle Paperclips, or whatever that was called. Also, having everything cap at e300 was a very smart touch. It gave a weird feeling of tranquility and calmness once everything settled down.

that is not what I was asking. But good to know

Might've been pointed out to you but the quest that seems to be for milking Water cows actually says it's for Metal cows. Same thing for the one that seems to be saying it's for Earth cows. And it isn't really explained what Energy does. Anyway, I really like this game. Big fan of both Plants vs Zombies and similar tower defense games, and cowgirls, and breast expansions, and, well, most of the stuff this game has going on TBH. 

If you're looking for suggestions, the thing I would most want is there to be a gallery implemented where you can see the sprites of all the cow types you've seen close-up. On the farm, the cows are pretty small, and in battle I don't have time to appreciate them (and they're still pretty small). Another suggestion that seems simple enough: a quest button. It'd make it a bit more obvious for those who, like me, missed that part of the description and were confused on how to get more potions. Another thing, I think it'd be cool if, later into the game, either you could choose to go into a larger, longer map in order to have more time to make money, or the map size would just grow over time. One of the things I like about PvZ, and tower defense games in general, is that you can build up your defense and see the difference in power level from beginning of the level to the end, and these short levels don't have much room for that, or much strategy at all, really.

I really like this game overall though. It might be pretty simple, but a lot of the simple mechanics, like your in-level currency being tied to the currency you use for buying new cows and (i assume) milking them, and the fact that Milking your elemental cows is required for quests but it also upgrades them too, and also also that upgrading cows isn't a straight upgrade, since it increases costs too. This game is definitely going on my (mental) list of "games to play again as soon as they update". Which includes a surprising amount of cowgirl-related games, oddly enough.

I've played a lot of minesweeper porn games. Some stick more closely to the actual Minesweeper rules, some add lots of extra features, like punishing you for revealing unnecessary tiles, or add items or permanent upgrades or even make it a roguelike. Personally, I like both the simple ones and the complex ones. Of the simple ones, this one's actual gameplay is really good. The fact that you win based off Mines Flagged, not Safe Spaces Cleared, prevents 50/50s from being forced (unless you get like a bunch in one level.) Also, the fact that hitting a mine doesn't result in an instant game-over, but getting the animation censored is absolutely genius, I have to say. The only gripes I have with it is that it doesn't do the thing some games do where they automatically generate a large chunk of clean space where you do your starting click, in order to reduce RNG, and that the individual tiles are a bit small, and the color choice is rather straining on the eyes partially as a result of the prior. And, also, the art. It's really good. What can I say? I'm a sucker for heart eyes. And the win cutscene is well worth the trouble, although I can say it was a missed opportunity to censor it based off the mines you hit in the run, since the game isn't that hard to clear perfectly if you've ever played Minesweeper before. Only complaint I have (if you can even call it that) is that there isn't more. I was half-expecting her to do something with her mouth, be it just licking or a full blowjob, and though I can't say I was disappointed, I definitely want more of this.

wait, the final scene isn't even censored based off mines clicked? but why?

Interesting take on the Buckshot Roulette formula, conceptually, and the art is great. But I think it lacks in substance, comparatively, since it only has one round, and the different starting "clips" were mostly balanced, unlike Buckshot, which had more unbalanced starting clips, IIRC. Also, this only has one round, which I think is a shame, really. I'd love to see her get more flustered, maybe have to take off clothes, maybe see a puddle form beneath her chair, as the rounds go on. But definitely a good game, fun for the amount of time it takes to play through.

Haven't finished the game yet, but it reminds me a lot of Idle Prestige Tree, or whatever that game is called. Really wish that this game could run in the background though, kind of necessary for idle games since you need to spend a lot of time just not doing anything.

This is incredibly difficult. Maybe that's just how poker works (it is often a casino game after all, it's rigged for the house), or maybe I'm just bad at it, or maybe it's just because the opponent effectively starts with 400 more chips than you because of the clothes trade-ins (presuming they're all 100 each), but maybe an easy mode would be good in a future update, where maybe the opponent starts with less chips or gets less chips from trading clothes. Also, it would be good to be able to choose which pony you go up against instead of it being random.

Game seems interesting. Any ideas on when a playable version will be released?

I see boob sizes in the previews, I take it that those are only available in the paid version, not the browser ver?

You can just download the image with greenscreen BG, and use an image cropping tool to remove the green from the BG, and make it transparent. Lots of them are available on the web, through websites and probably also for download but IDK, only ever used the web versions.

Apparently I've been playing poker wrong, because I do not understand this

Yeah, I assumed that the Corruption aspect was probably planned for later levels outside of the intro, but I figured I'd mention it just the same.

Played through the 0.0.4 version, and I have to say, the gameplay is has some potential, but so far, as one might expect, it's not the best. I do have compliments, but I'll leave them until the end, after my constructive criticism. First, the enemies are a bit jank. When you kill an enemy, it takes a while to die, and in the meantime, it still moves, can absorb bullets, and can still attack you and knock you down. Now, the being able to absorb bullets while dead thing isn't that bad on its own, and in fact could work if done intentionally. The real problem is that killing an enemy doesn't keep it from hurting you. 

Also compounding that is the fact that a single hit from an enemy can knock you down for 5 whole seconds, let alone the time it may take if you are caught. Most games have a system where you can do button inputs or something like that to fight against being fucked, or to get up faster when knocked down. Those that don't, try and make it almost always avoidable by the players. Thus, it truly feels like the player's fault that this happens, which makes waiting for the animation to finish more bearable. I did notice that in the Victor fights, when I got knocked down, there was a good amount of tension on whether I'd be able to get up fast enough, which would be improved by the inclusion of a way to get out faster manually, so that the tension would stay strong instead of vanishing when the player realizes they have no agency over it.

Additionally, there seems to be very little actual meaning to being fucked. In some games, being fucked is what leads to losing health, and in some games it has a more permanent "corruption" type situation in the long term, which I presume this is going with. But, I still feel something should happen beyond stats in a menu screen to make it feel like it matters in the moment, like losing health, or even a popup saying what lewd stats increase or something like that. 

This comes together to make getting caught by an enemy feel very random and out of your control, and also meaningless waiting, since the enemy only has the one looping animation. This could be improved by giving each enemy two or three positions, or speeding up the animation or making it more intense partway through, maybe even a cum animation. Or just fixing the problems that make it seem meaningless, or random, if it's simpler.

My second gripe is the lack of knowledge. If knowing or not knowing where a slug is and how it behaves is the difference between moving on in the level, or having to reset, it would be good for me to know a bit more about where the slugs are, and/or have more control over how I can find out. Firstly, it is quite dark in there. Having a flashlight that I could point in the direction I'm looking would make me feel more in control of the information I'm receiving. Even if it doesn't actually do much, it gives a bit of illusion of it. Or, being able to crouch/crawl on the ground in order to look below me would be the optimal for me. I don't know if it's just this level layout specifically, but there were many times where I was on a raised platform, and couldn't see the ground on the floor below me to check if there were slugs down there. If this is intentional, I would recommend trying to incorporate a bit more into the knockdown.

Thirdly, the game doesn't really explain how dashing works, really. I think the dash system is fine, don't get me wrong, just a quick popup saying "you're out of stamina" when you try to dash when you're out, or even just a little sound effect and the stamina meter flashing for a second.

The fourth, more minor thing is just a little confusion. When you masturbate, your Lust meter goes down, and you cum when it hits the bottom. But, when in a combat fuck, your lust meter goes up as it progresses, and when it reaches full, the scene doesn't even necessarily end I think? Regardless, pleasure in general should have the same effect on your lust meter. So, making the masturbation increase the lust meter and then reset it upon cumming makes the most sense to me.

Also, I noticed that the text goes slower than the voices and text boops for the AI assistant can play, making the text lag behind.

Finally, my praise. First, I think the aim-and-shoot mechanic has a lot of promise for interesting situations. I can see this already with the two Victor fights, where I kept second-guessing where I thought he'd be. You have to guess where the enemies should be coming from, or if they're there at all, which creates tension. I think this has a lot of potential, but only if the combat leans more away from "I know there are enemies here but I just don't really have a way to address it effectively" with the platform dropping and the not-looking down, to more of a "I know there are enemies here somewhere, but not necessarily right here, so I have to prepare to face them when and where I think they'll show up" or something like that. Second, as I mentioned before, I quite like the Victor fights. They work very well with the aim-and-shoot mechanic, and with the dashes, since his teleportation makes you never know which side he's on, adding tension, and the fact that you can dodge his charge with a quick dash past him if you time it really well is nice. Also, the idea of the pussy closeup image in the menu changing over time is pretty cool. I'm a big fan of things like that in games, and if it expanded to other body parts, like tits, nipples, mouth, butt, etc, that would be even better, if that fits with the game's mechanics of course. Also, I like the subtle pink camera fade that happens the more horny your character gets, although I wish the heart particle effects also went with horniness levels.

Anyway, neat game. I look forward to seeing more of it in the future, when it's properly fleshed out. I hope my critique and praise was helpful to you.

BTW, your install instructions also say 0.0.3, not 0.0.4. presumably still the download for 0.0.4, just figured you should know.

I really like the variety of enemies in this version. Most of the other versions (or at least the first 3 I haven't played the Milky and Honey one yet) had a lot of the same enemy types of the bosses, the three kinds of one-directional-movers, but this one also has the rainclouds, the crabs, and the sun, which help spice up the levels, despite the minor differences. It is missing any sort of chasing enemy like the Choco-Bunnies in the Easter edition, which probably makes it a bit easier, since the equivalent Sun enemy is generally more predictable and easier to deal with, and is often placed somewhat out of the way in the map, as opposed to the Choco-Bunnies, which were usually put in very key locations, but I digress. Another thing I noticed is that the Flower Rider Bun boss projectiles had gravity, unlike the equivalent ones in the other games. I feel like this makes it a lot more balanced in terms of difficulty with the Basket Copter Bun, although maybe still a bit harder given the trail that both it and its summoned buns have.

Which brings me on to my one main criticism, if you can even call it that. When I went into the settings to adjust the audio, I noticed the difficulty selection. I was going to check if it had a hard mode, but the only alternate difficulty option was Chill (presumably an easy mode). When I started the game, I didn't know whether I would've wanted to play on a hard mode, but upon reflection, I think that if there was a hard mode, it would have been more fun. If possible, I would love to see a hard mode in later installment(s) in the Wanna Peek? series. 

And yes, I recognize that I may be in the minority here in wanting my lewd games to have a hard mode in them. But, I feel like a hard mode, for those who are return players to the series or just those experienced with this style of game in general, would improve the experience a lot, and even improve replay value for newcomers and veterans alike. In this version, I completed the game without losing a level once, whereas a lot of levels took me a couple tries in the Easter and Christmas versions. This might just be because I learned to play better, but I think that the easier difficulty in this game's stages played a part as well. So yeah.

Another suggestion that I don't really expect you to add in later games at all (but I'm just putting out here just in case you feel inspired and do end up wanting to add it) would be some sort of Bonus or Endless mode, maybe that unlocks after you've completed the game. I imagine it would be essentially a score contest of trying to get the most level clears or points without losing all your lives, with random characters in the backgrounds. Maybe the further you got in, the less time you'd get per level, or the less powerups would drop or more enemies, or something. You might even get unique gallery pics if you got to certain milestones. I personally would enjoy that, although IDK about anyone else, so I don't know if it'd be worth the effort to program in. Maybe once you've got some more games in the series, you could make a single game that combines all the other games into one game and add the endless mode into that?

TL;DR - I liked this game a lot, as per usual with your games. I especially liked the variety in the levels in this one compared to the others I've played, although I did find it easier than most. I think it'd be cool to have a hard mode in future installments for those who are veterans of the Wanna Peek? game series, since there are getting to be a good number of them. I also think some form of endless mode with a ramping difficulty would be cool as well, but by no means necessary.

I didn't realize all the games were still receiving updates, even the old ones! That's really cool! You keep on being cool and making awesome games and art, and I'll keep on playing them. I'm planning on playing the new game right now. And I'll download them just in case once your download version comes out.

When is the downloadable going to come back online? I'd like to not lose my save progress due to clearing cookies or switching browsers and stuff like that.

Your description section says that the current version is 0.0.18, but the version I see for download is 0.0.4. Is this just an error of some sort?

So, I came back to this game (well, technically not this one but the christmas one) to look at the gallery, and realized it was gone, probably because I cleared my browser data or an update. Then, I noticed the "downloadable version coming soon" on the intro screen. Is there a DL version yet, and if so how can I get it? If not, it'd be great to see one, since I would hate to have my gallery progress erased again.

awesome, thanks!

Specifically, what happens is after a level, the only things in the Body Modification category that remain unlocked are those used in the level. So, if that level had the girl with pubes and the stars, it'll have options 1, 2, and 3 unlocked. But, if I then beat a level with just stars and clean shaven, 1 and 3 will be the only thing unlocked, and beating a level with pubes and no stars makes it so that just 2 is unlocked.

What outfits are present in the demo of this version? Is it 4 in each category? I want to know if I've gotten them all.

(1 edit)

When I complete a level and unlock something in the Body Modification category, it doesn't stay unlocked. So, when I unlock the stars, then I complete a level, it doesn't stay unlocked. Also, this may just be option 1 being the default body, but I don't see any change between option 1 and no option 1.

Also on a side note, this version's gameplay is a lot better than PervSight's. The extra notification to give you a chance to turn off your phone is good, and having there be a star meter that acts similarly to the attention meter but never goes down is an amazing design choice. Will definitely be playing this a lot.

On the downloadable version now, I cooked a meal with Rice and a single Enigma berry in Slot 2, and it gave me this error:




action number 1

of Other Event: User Defined 0

for object obj_sequence_textbox:

ds_map_find_value argument 1 invalid reference to (ds_map) - requested 21 max is 54############################################################################################

gml_Script_scr_generate_text_prompt (line 23)

gml_Object_obj_sequence_textbox_Other_10 (line 4)

gml_Script_scr_create_sequence_textbox (line 8)

gml_Object_obj_cooking_sequence_Alarm_2 (line 0)

I'm on the online version, and the game crashed to a black screen when I dragged a Pecha berry from my cookpot to an empty slot in my bag.

Is the only difference between paid & free that paid doesn't get cut off after the second day?

thanks! I was looking there but I didn't see it at first because I guess I'm just blind.

Is there a way to delete all my saves? I'm just coming back to the game after a while and I'd like to start over from a fresh start, but I don't want a bunch of saves cluttering my saves menu. I would just go into the game files, but I don't see a file directly in the folder that Ren'py saves are usually stored in, so just saying where the saves are stored would be nice to know.

If anyone else has suggestions on a possible better way to manage this, feel free to comment them here too. I don't care if its my idea or someone else's, I just want to have a gallery.

So, one thing I really liked about the first edition of Con-Quest is that all the characters had all of their strip stages visible in the gallery, even their Echo versions, which I thought was really nice. In previous versions, this edition didn't have a gallery, but it does now, which is great. However, it is incomplete in a lot of ways. For one, some of characters only have their fully-clothed sprites and their nude ones, but none of the in-betweens, like the Tifa cosplayer and the Peach cosplayer. Also, a couple characters have different cursed and uncursed clothing, (like the Peach cosplayer and Lilly) which, while not necessary, would be nice to see since you included Echoes in the first game's gallery. And for two,  there are some who are missing entirely, although the missing ones are mostly just the unsavable Echo-type enemies, like the Echoes of the girls from the first game, and the Camo echo, but this also includes the boss Cursed Phoebe and the sprites for the later fight with Scarlett. But, I understand why you wouldn't want to put the cosplayers from the first game into the main gallery, and some images, like those for the Scarlett refight and the Cursed Phoebe boss, overlap with existing characters. It would obfuscate the gallery's purpose as a sort of scene viewer, and it would clutter it a lot, while also possibly even causing copyright risk from adding entries for the old game's girls.

So, my proposed solution is: Implement a Bestiary, or some other name like a Cosplay-pedia, and make it similar but separate to the proper gallery. Essentially, my idea is that the Gallery would have the character bios, the unlocked scenes, and the main uncursed clothed/nude sprites of the savable characters/those you can have scenes with, where the bestiary would have sprites for each damage level of all of the enemies, like all the Echoes of the Poke-Con girls, cursed versions of the main gallery girls, and their refights. You could even put images in the bestiary of the non-cosplayer enemies like the Cosplay Blob, or the TV rat or the various Froglins. I imagine the bestiary could be less detailed than the Gallery, maybe just the enemy name and their sprites, but if you wanted to put in the effort, you could write little descriptions of the various enemies, although I personally would have trouble coming up with unique things to say about 3 different colors of Lantern Froglins, or 3 different sizes of Joyce Echoes.

(TL;DR) In summary, I loved how complete the old version's gallery was, but while this one is getting better, it's not quite there yet. Due to this version having a distinction between "minor", unrescuable enemies and more "major" rescuable girls, I would propose a more distinct "bestiary"-type menu for the "minor" enemies, as well as alternate versions of rescuable girls like the boss Phoebe, so as not to clutter the main gallery, while still allowing all enemies, and variations like refights, (such as Scarlett's) Cursed versions, and Echoes, to be viewable like in the old version. Although most of my problems could be solved through other methods, so feel free to take my input into account in whatever way would be easiest for you and you feel would be the best for the user experience.

(1 edit)

This reminds me a lot of Pink Slurp Engineer, with the whole three pipes, three lights thing, but the gameplay on this is different, and it's inflation instead of hypnosis and HG expansion. Could this be inspired by it in some way?

On a side note, I will be eagerly awaiting more updates to this. At the moment, it feels pretty grindy, what with the fact that it takes so many plays to get any amount of upgrades, and you essentially need to have upgrades to win. But, in the future when there are more girls to pick from, I'm sure it'll be less so, since you can just alternate between them and it'll feel more fresh.

Some things I could recommend in the next update, besides what you've already listed, is a mode or option for the inflation to just enlarge some of the body parts but not others, like you could pick just belly or just boobs. Or maybe that could be a thing for different characters, like some characters just do boobs instead of the full deal. And also maybe a gallery, which would allow you to see all the levels of inflation you've reached so far, since in this sort of game I often feel unable to appreciate the growth since I'm too focused on actually playing the minigame.

I don't know if this is a possibility with the engine, but it'd be nice if the catalogue saved between closing the game and reopening it. Also, having the catalogue display the combination used to make the item would be nice, since then it wouldn't just be a completion thing, it'd actually help with the gameplay.

(1 edit)

I really like the gameplay concept. I presume it's meant to play off the fact that Animal Crossing characters just... don't wear pants and nobody sees it as weird. I also like the character designs a lot, especially the black bunny with the fishnets.

One thing I notice is that, when your camera is centered, you can actually see where the log drops because it appears slightly above where it rests. So you  might want to fix that when you revisit this. Another suggestion that I think would be nice is if both arousal and "productivity" (whatever the blue bar would be called) went down over time, since if you just go stare off into the distance, you'll get less horny, but also they'll notice you aren't doing any work. Would give more incentive to go fast, while also allowing yourself to recover in cases where you've obviously stared too much.

I'd love to see these mechanics expanded into a fuller game, and I look forward to your eventual return to this, whether it's soon or later.

I vaguely remember this game being on PC in the past, but the only downloads I see are android, so I must be wrong. Do you plan on releasing a PC version?