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RG Corporation

A member registered Nov 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks ;)

The music was made with GarageBand !

Hi there!

Can you play Android games ? If you can, I would truly enjoy to have a review on my last game: Crush Square Mobile.
It's a small game in which you just a have to survive without get crushed and make the best score you can.

I'm looking for some review to improve my game and make it better.

Thanks in advance !

Crush Square

Environment Inc.


Hope your fine.

Did you tried BlueStacks? Can you make a video on my game or not?


Thank you very much for playing my game. I'm really happy you enjoy it ! Your video give me ideas to improve the game. I'll improve the tutorial and write in the description of each action what do it really change. The update would be published in a few week. If you want, you can also play in Ocean mode: it's easier. If you want, you can leave a comment on the game PlayStore page, it would help me a lot. You can also follow me on my Instagram account (@rg_videogames) to be informed of updates or new games.

I'll sucribe to your main channel, sure! Continue to create amazing video!

Thanks again and have a nice day.


Thanks for playing my game. I'm very happy that you enjoyed it! I'll suscribe to your channel, sure! The video was just amazing!

Concerning ads, the game was make of a way that you can win in both modes with a diffuclty easy or normal without watching any ads (my best scores in ocean in normal without ads is 423 and in forest is 644). If you think the forest mode was too hard it's because you didn't follow the tutorial. In fact, you can choose the number of trees cut every day in the general category. You let it to 100% so, you cut too much trees.

Continuate creating amazing video!

Thanks again!


Thanks for playing my game. I'm very happy that you enjoyed it! I'll suscribe to your channel, sure! The video was just amazing!

Concerning ads, the game was make of a way that you can win in both modes with a diffuclty easy or normal without watching any ads (my best scores in ocean in normal without ads is 423 and in forest is 644). If you think the forest mode was too hard it's because you didn't follow the tutorial. In fact, you can choose the number of trees cut every day in the general category. You let it to 100% so, you cut too much trees.

Continuate creating amazing video!

Thanks again!

Hi everyone,

I recently publish my new strategy game: Environment Inc.. It's an android game.

The player will take the control of an ecological transition operation with the mission to save the world. For the moment, it has 2 modes:

-Ocean  in witch the player will save the ocean from pollution, overfishing and global warming.

-Forest in wich you will have to manage a forest on a substainably way.

I'm looking for video and reviews/feedbacks of my game to improve it! Thanks in advance!

Hope you will enjoy the game!

Nice game! Easy to understand! It's been a long time since I played tower defense and this one is really nice!


if you want, the game works perfectly in emulators like BlueStacks. If you can't or don't want, no problems!

Continue creating amazing videos!

Hi Grimbag,

If you are interested in Android games, my new strategy game is for you : Environment Inc.. The principle is to save the Earth: you will take control of an ecological transition operation.

I'm looking for testing/ feedbacks of my game to improve it. I would enjoy see a video of you!

Hope you will enjoy my game!

Amazing game! I love the message! Keep creating games like this one!

Thank you in advance for your video!

I tested your game. For a game made in one day with unity, it's incredible! I loved the message. But, the only problem is the level in a public park, the player can jump and fall of the map.  Else, the game is just amazing!  I enjoyed the principle of a voice off to give us instructions!

I suscribed to your chanel and switched on the bell to don't miss the video!

Have a nice day!

Hi AgentXman,

Are you interested in Android games ? 

I made Environment Inc., a new free android game (it work fine on emulator). He is availible on the Play Store. It's a strategy game where the player take the control of an ecological transition operation. I would enjoy have some feedback to improve my game.

Hope you will enjoy!