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A member registered Feb 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing! I'm pleased that you enjoyed the story. I can see that I should have given better hints as to what to do at some points, but I'm glad that you figured it out in the end!

Hi! Thanks for playing the game. I'm glad you enjoyed the story, that was my main concern when I was making it. I don't know why the game was running so slowly, I haven't had anyone else mention that so far. I'll look into it and see what I can do about that.

About the artwork, I know that I'm not a great artist, but I am trying to improve. Hopefully in the future I can make better looking games!

About the inventory menu, I realise now that I should have put a button or something to indicate where the inventory and options buttons are. I did put instructions on the game page (just above) and in the readme that you left-click to interact and right-click to examine objects, but I will bear in mind for future games that I should put the controls somewhere in the options menu. I did rush through the menus a bit, as I made the whole game in one month for a contest.

Again, thanks for playing and thank you for your comments. I will take them on board and use them to make better games in the future! :)

OK, so to confirm, you've spoken to the father about the cookbooks, then when looking at the books you were told to check the photo (this is supposed to happen if you haven't already found out what you need to). Did you right-click on the photo in inventory, to look at it and click on the cake from there?

Hi! Sorry I haven't replied sooner! Have you clicked on the cake in the photo? Have you also tried clicking on the images of the cakes in the cookbook? If you have done both of those things and it is still not working then it is a bug and I'll need to look into it. Let me know how it goes! :)

I've just uploaded a new version with a fix for a bug in one of the puzzles. The puzzle itself has also been slightly altered to make it play better.

(1 edit)

A short point-and-click adventure, exploring how we cope with the loss of our memories. After losing his beloved wife, an old man seems to be forgetting about her. With the help of an old photo, can his son remind him of the good times they once had?

Find out more and download here!