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Ricey Boi

A member registered Feb 07, 2019

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(1 edit)

I mean... its fun to play. Until the ai decides not to drift and instead to ruin your day every time youre in a corner. 

Game isnt even that difficult to play its just getting punished by the ai for playing the game how it was intended. I can very easily get decent times on time trial but the ai makes the main game unbearable. Imo there shouldnt be ai/player collison, or at the very least the ai shouldnt be glued to the road.

Tldr: game fun, ai no drift + smak player = bad 

Yeah I agree with barbecued, playing multiplayer first is a bad idea. Havent been on in a while but i havnt had any experience with toxic people.

If you ever want to play whithout dealing with toxicity tho feel free to message me on discord.

Is the update out?

Im on windows 10 and my direct x is version 12 i still get the same error upon entering and attempting  to play the game.

I load the game and i get this error

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_outline

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_outline_start
stack frame is
gml_Script_outline_start (line -1)