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Richard Ingalls

A member registered Oct 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Can one of you

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please tell me how to reset the game?

*Any offense taken is you not having

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enough skin.

How do I reset my progress?

Ok, that makes sense. You have to keep scope in mind.

One cool idea would be once you defeat the boss, you can choose to keep going, 'just one more room' and the deeper you go, the harder it is to get out

(1 edit)

After the 0.4.0 update: this is my score:

Super Tankz Classic community · Created a new topic Scores

Post a screenshot of your score. I have made this game very hard. Wow.

I will get that fixed as soon as possible. Good idea with the predicted firing. I was already planning on adding a buffing enemy lol.

Be sure to leave any feedback you have on the game, good and bad, down below. I want to hear from you, and I will reply to you within one day, except on weekends, because I do not work on anything those days normally.


That sounds cool.

yeah, that's always a good thing, although you probably should implement a barebones version for the sake of replaying when playtesting without refreshing the page.

Ha, that's funny.

Ah, ok. I had assumed they were supposed to be accessory slots, for things like rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

You also need a restart screen

Not unequipping items whenever you get a new one would be nice, although this might be difficult to code.

Also, you might want to write some code to prevent you from placing items in the wrong slots.

Also, what game engine do you use?

(2 edits)

In general, the game seems pretty good. One idea that I had that could be good is you have two or three dice, and you can spread them out between different stats, and then when you attack/fight/whatever, they roll and your stats are increased by the totals shown. And then if you wanted to attack, you would place dice in your attack field, or if you wanted to increase defense, you would place them in your defense field. The reason I suggest this is because it is very hard to attack, and also to gain stats. This would help remove the importance of combos, while not making them redundant, turning them into a kind of bonus. Also, I would recommend regaining energy more often, or regaining more at a time, because you often have to waste moves waiting to get more energy.

I also got softlocked when I entered a canal. I can no longer progress.

You should add snapping to the dice so that they can't just be set anywhere.

If you click on the scrollbar, it makes it move faster, I don't know why it's moving so slowly.

Thanks! And better luck next time :)

(1 edit)

Note: Bugs found in video will be fixed

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See if you can beat my time!

Edit: link stopped working for whatever reason. My time is ~23 minutes

  1. My name is Kyle. My initials are KGB (no, I'm serious. and no, I'm not Russian). I am in my Junior year of high school, and I am an American. You know, the guys with the correct accents*.
  2. I have decided to join the game jam because I've started making games, and I thought it would be fun to participate.
  3. I haven't played many video games, however, I have watched others play them. Some of my favorites are Rain World, Minecraft, and Backpack Hero.
  4. I have some experiance with game development, and am currently creating a game ( in Unity.
  5. I am passionate about action, steep learning curves, and absurdly morbid humor. >:)
  6. My goal for this game jam is to make a small, fun game that people will enjoy.

*if your british, or canadian, or australian, i'm sorry, but your accents are incorrect. everything else is pretty great though! :)

Fixed the bug!

I apologize for the game being unavailable, I discovered some game breaking bugs and am working to fix them. Thanks for your patience!

I've had similar things happen, only its half the time. The rest, I just tie several times, then lose, with minimal wins. :(

No, because you are deliberately being rude about it.

Also, the no-context smiley faces are offensive. You are intentionally making a point of rubbing in the slightest typo and correcting common internet slang. It has gone to the point where anything you say is seen as mean and unhelpful, rather than constructive, even if it ever is (which it isn't). 

(The sheer idiocy of this man... geez!)

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Exactly. There is no need for correction. This is an informal  site. And if you have a problem with that, then I will make a ***** ** ****** ***.

(1 edit)

You are a loser grammar king DUNCE


Or to a 21/? scorpion (melon only blocks 20)


(1 edit)

(technically I have some wins, but only one in this current update, lol. Stop winning guys, you're too good!)

day 400,012,136, still no wins yet

Everyone just report this guy for offensive content, don't reply to him, it only fuels him