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A member registered Feb 20, 2022

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Sounds like you just have a pile of trash for a PC lololol

(1 edit)

Maybe add in the option of adding an actual house into the farms...kinda sucks when you can only really use something small like the trailer or tent or something next to the non-removable one built into the map and as other's have mentioned, being able to add your own animal pens would be nice as the barns kinda suck with feeding...grains and hay won't go above 20 to 30% but the silage goes to max and when adding a straw bale to the feeding ring out in the pasture they don't register or didn't for me....maybe I'm using the wrong size of bales or something.

Yeah I did, right by the trigger where it accepted the other stuff and pushed it down the alley way and it won't take straw or hay.

None of those barns will...walked down the alley with a straw and hay and didn't take it.

Where is the straw trigger in the large scale dairy barns over by Field 58 and 88...Can unload TMR Mix but it won't accept anything else when driving in.