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Plugaru Madlen

A member registered Oct 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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We will work hard on it!


Great game, although you get stuck in the walls a little.

It's a bit hard to adjust to at first, but once you get used to it, it's really intriguing to play.

Nice and interactive, although you quickly reach the end.

Interesting entourage. It's a little creepy game (in the good sense of the word).

The movement is very smooth and I like it. I recommend that in the future there would be more meteors on the screen, so there will be more interactivity.

The way it spins is really satisfying. I also like how you used the particle system.


Beautiful graphics and characters. The camera jumps a little when you move, but in general it has potential.

Really unique concept!

Nice game! I like the graphics. 



:3 mersi


O poveste frumoasă. Descrierea captivantă. Dinamica și personalitățile personajelor principale sunt reușite. Mi-a plăcut modul în care dialoghează, se simte maniera vorbirii. Succese în continuare!


; )

O poveste scrisă interesant: cu multe detalii, fapte și rezultate concrete. Mi-a fost ușor să-mi imaginez scenariul, deși recunosc că m-am pierdut puțin în acțiunea ce are loc între fracții.

: )


Mersi =)

: 3

: )

O să iau în considerare! Mersi

Mersi  : )

Super =)

THX! :3

Very satisfying to play! And the sound creates an atmosphere with a good mood.Somehow it makes me wanna go faster and faster. ))))

Amazing game! The movements are very smooth and pleasant. I look forward to your future games.

A really intriguing game. I really liked it. It reflects the chosen cliché well.