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A member registered Nov 29, 2019

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terminally online individual. go touch some grass to get the delusion out of your mind.

the quiet girl currently has no content planned until act three, so you gotta wait a bit before any content with her is out

alright, honestly i wasn't going to comment anything but after seeing your responses, i just wanted to put this here. if you wanted a quick wank, corrupted kingdoms just isn't about that at all. i actually appreciate the story elements enough to where if all of the porn was cut, i'd honestly still play the game because story related stuff is the focus like eternum, once in a lifetime and scarlet law. which i know sounds really odd, but genuinely caring about the characters is the focus, not to go in instantly, release quickly and truly not care afterwards.

also, i get that it's hard to have an unpopular opinion and have a large majority of people disagree with you, and that's fine, people are allowed to like/dislike stuff, i myself like euphoria, a highly disturbing visual novel that comes off as sensational, fetishy kinda content on the surface. but being overly toxic and insulting people isn't gonna persuade anyone into wanting to listen to you, it just comes off as being really insecure and immature. although i absolutely disagree with you, i can respect you disliking corrupted kingdoms. what i despise is you going out of your way to verbally insult people who enjoy the game. that just puts the focus on you attacking the person rather than the comment they were focusing on.

if you came in constructively rather than destructively, in all reality, your comment may still be downvoted, but people would respect you for not just despising the game because quick release wasn't the focus. take care and hopefully you find something new that better suits your needs. 

on a side note, to arc, thank you for making such an amazing game. i originally downloaded the first version of the game out of curiousity, but got a once in a lifetime experience (joke intended). as you can see, not everyone is pleased, but i'm glad to say that i've enjoyed nearly every single moment of this game. once corrupted kingdoms is finished, i'm going to replay everything again and give a proper story related overlook and mini analysis for fun. thanks again for all your efforts, you've made something that will truly stick with me until the grave.

no, it's a linear visual novel game with some small choices you can make along the way. you may lose interest after I said that, but like with all the comments up here, caribdis has great writing so it's honestly worth checking his games out