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A member registered Sep 03, 2017

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(2 edits)

So far looks alright for early alpha!

Things so far:

  • A save function would be very nice, obviously.
  • The font on the tablet for the help cartridge is a little difficult for me to read, but that may be my computer settings or my old person eyes.
  • There needs to be a way to reset the rolodex (I love the rolodex idea, btw. Very cool!) as I accidentally dropped a card behind it when trying to put a card back in and couldn't work out how to get it back.
  • A way to cycle the notifications in the inbox would be handy too. I couldn't work out why the resupply 'print' button wasn't working. Then I decided to empty my inbox and I then understood. Lots of redundant and expired order forms there buried behind notices of my crew not having bedrooms. Woops.
  • I really like the cartridge/tablet design, very neat way to switch menus.
  • There is incredible lag, but between Alpha and my laptop not being the most awesome computer, I can understand that quite well.
  • I love the species design and the morphing between the types. No idea what the stats do yet, but I haven't dug deep in comparing things.
  • Between the rolodex, the tablet and cartridges, and the inbox I keep expecting to turn around to a Lumburgh chastising me about my space-TPS reports. I love it.

More to follow as I explore I'm sure.