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A member registered Nov 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ooohh you were serious when you said that I see😂. I don't mind being little and evil, Gene getting hit first💯😤!

David, I just want you to know that I'm following you because your games are f$%king fun💯😁

I honestly thought I could guess what was going on but BOY WAS I WRONG😂. Here's my video...don't be shy, CLICK IT!!!

Got me good on that, not even gonna lie😂💯 But I think these are my new favorite types of games. If you wanna see how I reacted, here's my video (Peep the thumbnail tho🔥😎) 

He was dead wrong for how he switched up on me like that☠️😂 This game gave me an adrenaline rush but it was worth it. 10/10 from me, and if you want to see how I played ya go😁✊🏾

Bruh, IT CHEATED ME SO BAD😤😂 Like I got so close to winning. But this was the most fun I've had recording. Here's my video if you wanna see how I got played😂🤦🏾‍♂️

I hate the fact that I couldn't life was already set on "You're Done" mode☠️😂. But this game was fun, here's my reaction if you wanna check it out

You actually watched it?! NIICEE and thank you😁

I HATE waiting to die bruh😂 like...KILL ME😂☠️! But this was a fun game to play. I doubt you'll watch it all the way through but here's my video on it😁

Sorry that I skipped reading the notes but I honestly had fun with this game💯 I can't wait for the full game. Here's my experience for ya if you wanna watch😎

This game had to be the most STRESSFUL GAME I've played so far. was also the most perfect game when it comes down to fear😂💯! If you have time then you can see my reaction here 😁😎

I decided to name the baby "Daniel"...We

I uhhh.....I thought it said somthin else😅😂nd thnks for watching and liking the video😎✊🏾

Bruh, you snapped HAAAAARD on this game. I honestly might follow you so I can see what other game you'll make tbh. here's my gameplay of it if you wanna know how I've played 

I hate that there's one part that caught me mid sentence and shut me up😂😡! But all in all, I like this game and if you wanna see how I acted during ya go

This game honestly was fun, bruh really had me go down there looking for snacks just to die. I think you did good and can't wait for you to make more games. If you wanna see my reaction playing this game.....HERE YA GOOOO

I personally like games like this tbh! You did good and I recommended this game to my friends. Here's my reaction to it if you wanna see😎👀

Thank you and I just wanted to see If I could get away with things😂!

Bruh, I did NOT expect that😂💯! I like this game though, I think you did perfect with this. Here's my reaction to it if you wanna check it out

I hate you for making such a scary game! I honestly wanted this game to end😂💯but all in all, this was a good game. 10/10. Also here's my video if you want me to scream alot

I don't know if it was me but the game is a bit choppy for me. I also didn't know what to do throughout the entire game. I just wish there was displayed directions, but other than that it's seems like a good game. Here's my video if you want to check it out

I personally think the brightness could be a bit brighter but other than that this was a fun scary game! 9/10. Here's my video if you wanna check it out

The ending was actually expected but it still caught me as I was waiting for it. Good game though. Here's my video on it

This a fun little game to test your patience or if you just want to get yourself mad. Not mad with negativity, but anger that just makes you laugh like "wtf" if you know what I mean. Here's my gameplay of it

This is a good game, a little too long for me and I'm not a puzzle person but I like it! I also got on stage in the game to hit a couple of notes, here is my gameplay if u wanna see it

It was a bit laggy at the first but that could just be how I exported my video. Overall though, it's a nice game! Here's my gameplay if u wanna watch

I freaked out during this game but it was all in all a very fun game! Here's my gameplay if you wanna watch

This man done suprised my ahh when I turned around! Smh, this is a good game though. Here's my gameplay if you wanna watch

This is a fun little game to play when you don't have anyone else to play with and you don't wanna play with randoms! It's a good game, here's my gameplay of it

I missed games like this. It has a great story and all as far as I know. Bruh, the full game gonna be that shiii! Here's my gameplay video jusrt incase you wanna watch it

I swear when that thing ran across the door frame, I lost my balls☠! But yeah this is a good game! Here's my gameplay if you wanna see

To be honest there was a lot of talking during the game play, but I swear this is a good game! So 9/10 from me😁👍🏾! Here's my video on it if u wanna watch 

You really know how to mess my head up with this one. I fw it though, keep up the hood work! You can check out my experience here