It is probably going to be late summer/autumn, at least. But don't worry, the wait is going to be worthy
Recent community posts
the joke is a reference to an iconic scene from the movie "American Psycho", an absolute must-watch, in my modest opinion;
Ogygia is the isolated server where Nova located Calypso, the third mysterious weapon of Atlas. I shall not say more, I'll just let you enjoy the story ...
>Do you like Caribdis Games?
>Yeah ... they are ok ...
>Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Eternum came out in '21, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The entire game has a clear, crisp soundtrack and a new sheen of consumed professionalism in 3D modeling that really gives the scenes a big boost. They've been compared to Kompas Production but I think that Caribdis has a far more dark, grounded sense of humor.
>Hey, Halberstam?
> Yes, Allen?
>Why are there flyers whritten in nhurein all over the place? Do you have a cat? A female one called Carolyn or something?
>No, Allen.
>Is that a E-3X neural implant?
>Yes it is!
>In '22, Caribdis released this, 0.3, their most accomplished patch. I think their undisputed masterpiece is the Ogygia arc, a chapter so interesting that most people don't pay attention to the individual characters. But they should because its not just about the pleasure of a well-written plot and the importance of a great twist, it's also a personal statement about the developer itself.
>Hey, Paul!
>Try saying "Axel is not a bad person, just a product of his environment" now, you fucking stupid bastard!
(ok, jokes aside, you at caribdis games are making an incredible job. Keep it up and eternum will be a masterpiece of the genre in no time, even more then it is already. Thank you for your great work. Can't wait for the next release).