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A member registered 64 days ago

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

1) True_love

2) breasts

We've gotten reports of masive storage/server abuse coming from the cat, our intelligence sources have predicted that if this behaviour continues, 97.12% of the web will collapse.

The downtime needed to fix said mischevious acts will slow down economy, research and development, and multiple critical areas of enterprise income.

We will continue reporting on the matter. Reporter out.

Now the cat is spreading the bubonic plague, goverment officials are now investigating the matter, we will update you once we have a new strategy for dealing with this threat

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Has the sand eater cat died? Has all my blood and tears brought salvation to this land? to our future?

pasa la corona pe causita

out of what

Average german

Hoy ha sido un dia brutal elena, la ira de dios nos arrebatará nuestro futuro, no hay esperanzas ni salvación alguna.

The first one being german ntrc of course

I have no other place to bitch about it so why the fuck do the german pigment liners cost so much

Second worst ever thing to happen to germany

Thy did not understand, but shall not worry, as blatantly using the nuh uh instead of the blank template, was, in layman's terms

"Part of the joke"

You shall be blessed by heaven, for thy we became our definitive self's

Might future be positive, and your crops plentiful.

Didn't like the nerf to their ultimate on the last patch, might even take it out of the meta for a while

First of all, this page needs do have been snapshoted by someone in the past, then, you need to paste this page's url on it and then it will show you all the snapshots taken of this website

(1 edit)

Not a lot of people know, but local sand eater is a humanity-level threat.

His compulsive eating sand tendencies have brought the semiconductor manufacturing process to a halt.

Many companies, goverments, and people are losing millions by the second, all by the hand of a fucking eating sand cat.

Mark my words LSE, hell is waiting for you.

Nuh uh

There will not be any more sand, nor anyone to eat it.

Mark my words, and check the news. This event shall be broadcasted in every periodism entity.

Elena, por favor, brindame el conocimiento necesario para luchar contra esta bestia devora-arena.

Tu guía será la luz en mi camino.

If her name begins with local and ends with sand eater, don't worry she will be no more.

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I'm here to bring hate, and to drain the world from sand, shall this be your last day alive, LSE.