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A member registered Dec 14, 2015

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Well I am officially arriving late to the party. I have been wrestling with different ideas ( or lack thereof =P) for the mechanic I would like to use for this game jam. This is my first game jam so the anxiety is a little high. After a few days of thinking I have decided that I am going to examine the idea of being a Maintenance manager in space.

As far as the setting goes you are in a bio dome of some sort in an unknown planet. At this time there has been a device invented that allows the production of water allowing a small civilization to sustain life on a planet otherwise thought to be uninhabitable.

As the maintenance manager of the bio dome you are tasked with ensuring that the necessary equipment withing the bio dome remain fully operational by repairing the equipment as necessary.

The game will be turn based by allowing you to delegate actions to your employees. Each round will be considered a week in game time. At this time each employee will be able to inspect equipment, repair equipment, or rest?. The equipment that will need to be manged a are the Dome, Gates, Water Production, Farm equipment, and irrigation pipes. Each of these components are vital to the well-being of the bio dome and its civilization. Equipment breaking will cause a variety of detrimental effects making it hard to sustain life on this planet with out everything being fully operational.

In theory, this sounds awesome in my head. Let's see how it turns out.



Hello All!

This will be my first Jam! I am kind of excited and nervous at the same time. I am a current CS student in college and still have a ways to go before I finish my degree. I can not wait to see all the awesome ideas everyone comes up with!

May the best win!