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A member registered Nov 22, 2017

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No, thank you :) For a fast answer, putting up with me and a great game :D

For version 21, I might have found a bug (or two).

A) My bots can't find dirty folk! B) I can't clean dirty folk!

A - When using the (very smart) program interface, it suggests using "find nearest Folk (Dirty)" (because the "folk" is dirty), but when I run the "program", the bot just waits. The "Folk" is of cause also "Hungry", but that is taken care of by another bot and that works.

B - So I "manually" change the (small) dirty Jumpers on the Folk, pick them up and go to the Crude Wash Tub, but I can't drop them into it! Is that a bug or I'm I doing it the wrong way?

This is by the way a totally cool game. The best!