You Got this bro hang in there!!
Id like to say that this very unfortunate news and as an archivist for VN's considered top notch by myself and others as part of the worldwide doomsday preppers association this will be archived for the future to be replayed in my bunker at the end of the world and shared to others through our servers when the world ends this is a 10/10 masterpiece in storytelling in thoughts, feelings and environment and will be cherished and beloved by us thank you guys for such an amazing experience and i hope this will be picked up and finished before the world ends.
Bravo good job I watched the anime after finishing chapter three and your so spot on however I do recommend you put a copyright fair use use thing on the introduction before someone ends up seeing it snitching and someone sending a cease and desist letter I'd hate for you to have to stop for something so stupid also the chess mini games are confusing as hell and taxing and I play chess regularly with my family I love your work and it's just amazing keep fighting the good fight my dude
Like i said make your own if YOU think you can do better theres a difference in actual criticism and just straight up being an asshole to someone who made something that everyone liked but you because you think you know better than everyone shut your karen bitchass up no ones gonna take you or your criticism seriously if you go about it by being an asshole and being disrespectful
your an idiot and bias asf man get a life your literally the only person complaining here you reddit moderator neckbeard looking ass sitting behind yo screen you fucking bigot like everyone said its a YOU problem not the creators if you think you can do better make you own you fucking idiot this is hard fucking work perfection at its finest ik because i make these too so shut you dumb ass up don't read it if you don't like it deal with it i don't see you putting in the time to make something like this to put in hours to create content you gotta lot of nerve to say the things you do insecure bitch ass go cry to your mommy bitch